How to calibrate and test game controller input in Windows 10

Most PC gamers would rather suffer than lose their mouse and keyboard. However, using gamepads for third-person adventures, racing or retro emulation games can still be useful.

Sometimes your computer’s gamepad may malfunction. Or, in the worst case, you will find that your system does not detect it. This can happen for several reasons.

You can follow a few simple steps to get your controller working if you don’t know how to check game controller input in Windows 10.

In this blog, I will help you overcome these technical difficulties between you and your controller.

How to validate game controller input in Microsoft Windows 10?

You need to know how to test game input, whether it’s your Xbox controller or Nintendo 64 controller on Windows 10, to check if it’s compatible with the operating system.

For various reasons, your controller intermittently does not work or is not detected in some games. On Windows 10, there are several ways to check if your gamepad is working properly.

To do this, you need to install the gamepad tester after downloading it. The software recognizes game controllers and shows data about button presses, joystick movements and verification. The gadget has several buttons and, on occasion, two joysticks.

Others are designed to connect to a PC via USB, although some are integrated into handheld gaming systems.

However, Windows 10 often fails to identify gamepads, and some tech-savvy people claim that this is because Microsoft has replaced the original hardware drivers.

The game controller cannot work for various reasons, so if your regular controller, Xbox or PS4 controller is not working, you should check if its input is recognized. Run this check in any modern browser.

Prerequisites for Testing a Game Controller on Windows 10

To test your game controller on Windows 10, you’ll need the following:

  • A modern browser such as Chromium Edge, Opera, Firefox, or Chrome.
  • Your system is connected to your controller, which is at hand.
  • Any and every driver for the controller is included in the system.

Steps to Test Game Controller Input in Windows 10/11

Follow these steps to test your Xbox game controller on all versions of Windows.

  1. Your PC and game controller must be connected. Press the Windows key and go to “Settings”to confirm.
  1. Allow the installation of drivers if you receive a beep about installing hardware. They should work properly on Windows 10 before moving on to the next steps.
  2. Go to Gamepad Tester in a browser.
  1. To wake up the controller, press any key on it.
  2. The gamepad tester recognizes the controller.
  3. The buttons on the controller will be registered and displayed on the screen as soon as it is identified.
  4. To test them all, press the buttons and analog sticks.
  5. You can watch axis movement for analog sticks.
  6. The program will also display a timestamp for each keystroke and its associated input.
  7. Click Vibrate to test the sound waves by vibrating the controller if it resonates.

Analysis of results

If a keystroke on the controller is not recognized, the key is effectively broken, as is the case with keyboards and mice. However, your controller is most likely not configured on your PC if the input is not recognized.

You can adjust critical sensitivity by changing other visible keystroke statistics.

It’s probably the game’s fault if the gamepad is recognized by the tester but doesn’t work in the game. If you are using generic controllers, they may not be supported or even blocked.

How to set up a game controller in Windows 10?

It would be helpful if you enabled the USB controller first. You must start Device Manager to do this.

  • Select Control Panel from the Start menu.
  • After that, select the USB root hub.
  • Double-click the link to open the Properties dialog box.
  • Click “Change driver software”to make it visible if it’s not already.
  • After the changes are completed, your computer must be restarted. Alternatively, you can try turning off any unused hardware.

The controller charger indicator should be visible. Your controller was located on your system.

Use it with standalone emulation apps or Steam by connecting it to your computer. In most cases, it instantly recognizes it.

You can enjoy the game without fuss by connecting the controller to Bluetooth. A dedicated USB game controller driver is even available for download and installation. The process is simple, fast and free.


You have successfully tested your Windows 10 game controller input and learned how to set it up with quick and easy steps. All it takes is a little time, patience and such a guide.

I hope this post has helped you with questions and doubts regarding your game controller and its input specifications.