How to Move GenMat to Meet Your Maker

While building their outpost, Meet Your Maker players cannot move the GenMat. This is an important item that raiders try to steal when raiding your base. Therefore, it is very important to keep it well hidden or out of reach. But on the other hand, you also need to know how to get it by playing on other people’s outposts. So, here is a quick guide to help you with both.

How to Move GenMat to Meet Your Maker

You cannot move your outpost’s GenMat in this game. While this can be a bummer for many players, it also makes building your outpost even more interesting. Whenever you buy an outpost, GenMat will be in a random location. So its input and GenMat are always fixed.

But don’t worry, that doesn’t mean it will be easy for raiders to plunder. You can still remove many different blocks from this piece of land. And you can always set up your base filled with traps and guards to catch unsuspecting raiders by surprise.

Another thing you can do is change the combine path. So far, it only follows the shortest route from the entrance to GenMat. You can experiment by creating multiple paths and see what works best for your outpost. When everything is ready, activate the base.

But no matter how you set up your base, GenMat will always be in its fixed place.

How to get GenMat

Just as you cannot move it when building your outpost, the same rule applies to other raiders. So stealing GenMat is fair for everyone. There is no fixed way to get GenMat, as you need to play carefully when robbing another player’s outpost. Here are some useful tricks to help you steal GenMat:

  • Peak Angles: Take your time, you don’t know where the enemy traps are. You can also be ambushed by guards.
  • Use your grappling hook: Remember that you can get out of sticky situations by using your grappling hook in time.
  • Try not to speed up: quickly grabbing the GenMat and running away sounds like the best plan. It all comes down to the first tip, because you don’t know what the enemy base has in store for you.

While you can’t move GenMat in Meet Your Maker, you can do a lot of other things.