How to move the time on your Apple Watch forward a few minutes

Some people prefer to set their clocks forward a few minutes to give themselves a mental buffer when it comes to time. The basic psychology behind such a thing is that it makes it so that you are always “ahead”in terms of time.

Apple has included a handy feature in the Apple Watch settings just for those who like to run a few minutes ahead. This guide shows you how to display the time on a watch face.

How to show time ahead on Apple Watch

  1. Open the Settings app on your Apple Watch.
  2. Scroll down and tap Clock.
  3. Touch +0 min. under the heading “Set watch face display time”.
  4. Turn the Digital Crown to set the time ahead. You can choose from 1 minute to 59 minutes.
  5. Finally, click the green check button.

You have successfully moved the time on your Apple Watch forward a few minutes. Now, it’s important to know that this new time ahead only appears on the Apple Watch watch face. Elsewhere, such as in the top right corner of the screen when you are inside the app, and for other purposes such as alarms, timers, alerts, world clocks, notifications, etc., your watch will continue to use the actual current time.

If you ever want to go back to regular time, follow the steps above and set the advance time to zero (0) minutes.