Do you want to fix the elevator in Hogwarts Legacy during the Candy Rejection quest? Then you are in the right place as this guide is all you need. When completing the quest “Descent for sweets”, you will have to explore the Secret Passage and go through it to the end. However, the entrance to the Secret Passage is blocked by an elevator in need of repair. Since many players are confused in this situation, they cannot finish the quest quickly. Luckily, this guide will help you find the solution, and you’ll soon be on your way to the secret passage. So keep reading below and use the spell to clear your path.
How to fix the elevator in Hogwarts Legacy

The Dissending for Sweets quest involves a lot of exploration of the secret passage, and the elevator is only the first thing you need to fix. However, all you need is one spell. Once you use Reparo, you will repair the Elevator in the Hogwarts Legacy Secret Passage. Luckily, it’s that simple.
When exploring the Secret Passage, we recommend that you spam Revelio, as this will help you collect a lot of items. Of course, what you have to collect for Garrett to complete the Candy Rejection quest will finally come, we will let this place remain a mystery. Even if you have already guessed where you will find yourself exploring the passage, we would not want to spoil the experience for you if you did not.
Once you’ve collected Billywig’s Dried Stingers, you’ll need to return to Garrett and you’ll have two options: either give the item to him or sell it to him. The quest will end with Garrett promising you to be the first to taste his Fizzing-Whiz Beer at Hogwarts Legacy.
That’s all there is to know about how to fix the Lift in the Hogwarts Legacy: Candy Dispatch quest. While you’re here, be sure to check out the other Hogwarts Legacy guides.