How to breed epic deception in My Singing Monsters (ethereal monster)

My Singing Monsters is a video game in which you have to control a group of different types of monsters that can sing. Since each monster has its own voice and melody, there are also different classes or rarities. Similarly, the Epic Humbug is an ethereal monster type that was added in the recent v3.8.2. update. While you can buy them on Earth and the ethereal islands in exchange for diamonds or gems, some players are looking for a breeding combination of them. Don’t worry, check out our guide on how to breed Epic Humbug in My Singing Monsters to find out.

How to Breed Epic Deception in My Singing Monsters

Before we start with breeding combinations, Epic Humbug is only available for breeding during limited time events. The combinations for breeding an Ethereal or Epic Rascal differ for each island. So, here are the combinations for breeding Epic Humbug on each island:

  • Earth island: Clumble (plant, earth and cold) + Kibop (air and earth)
  • Ethereal Island: Whisp (plasma and shadow) + Bellowfish (gear and crystal)

Note that you can get a Kibop Monster multiple times by breeding for Epic Deception on Earth Island. But since this is the only combination to breed the Epic Humbug, you may have to make several attempts to get this ethereal monster.

Image source: Monvstar on YouTube.

  • When you put them in the breeding structure, it takes 1 day and 8 hours on Earth to complete the breeding process.
  • While for the Ethereal Island, the breeding time is relatively shorter and takes 8 hours 53 minutes and 20 seconds.
  • For advanced breeding structures, it will take 1 day to complete the breeding and incubation period on Earth Island.
  • While the improved breeding structures on the Ethereal Isle will take 6 hours and 40 minutes.
  • After hatching the Epic Humbug, it will take some more time for the egg to fully hatch.
  • You can spend diamonds or gems to speed up the breeding or incubation process.
  • Once you hatch an Epic Trickster, you can place, pack, or sell that Epic Trickster monster.
  • If you want to get more coins or shards from this monster, you can increase its happiness percentage.
  • To do this, you must place things that this ethereal monster likes next to or next to them. So, here’s everything Epic Humbug likes:
    • Dragoon statue
    • Striking light bulbs
    • Re
    • Bluefi tree
  • Although this monster has a large collection of coins and shards, some players may also want to sell this monster.
  • You can sell the Epic Humbug for 1,687,500 coins on Earth Island.
  • In addition, you can sell this epic monster for 20 shards on the Ethereal Isle.

That’s all there is to know about how to breed Epic Humbug in My Singing Monsters. If you liked this guide, check out our additional guides.