Do you want to breed G’jub in My Singing Monsters? Then you have just arrived at the right place as this guide has everything you need. In this game, you need to create a whole world of monsters by breeding them. While you have a few creatures, I suggest getting G’jub as well. He belongs to the class of mythical monsters and is a great addition to your group. However, the game doesn’t really explain how to get this creature. So here’s everything you need to know about acquiring G’joob.
How to breed G’joob in MSM
As you know, we need at least 2 monsters to breed and get a new one. Similarly, we need to cross Pummel and T-Rox to get G’joob in My Singing Monsters. Both Pammel and T-Rocks belong to the natural class. That being said, you need to breed both of them on Plant Island to unlock G’jub. However, once you feed him to level 15, you will be able to transfer him to the Mythic Isle.

Also, please keep in mind that breeding is not always 100% successful. Thus, you may not purchase G’joob on the first try. But you can use Wishing Torches to boost your success rate and eventually get G’jub in My Singing Monsters. For those who don’t know, Wishing Torches can be purchased from the Structures section of the Market for 10,000 coins. After that, you will need to spend 2 diamonds every time you light the Wishing Torch. Although you can light it permanently by spending 100 diamonds at once.
This covers everything about how to breed G’joob in My Singing Monsters. While you’re here, be sure to check out our other guide on how to breed Anglow and Grumpyre.