How to Hide WhatsApp Online Status and Last Seen from All or Only Some of Your Contacts

By default, everyone on WhatsApp can see when you are using the app. If someone recently sent you a message and sees that you’re online now, they might think you’re avoiding them if you don’t reply right away, especially if you don’t share read receipts. However, you can prevent them from seeing your online or last seen status and apply it to all or only certain contacts.

WhatsApp has introduced a “Last Seen”feature that shows other WhatsApp users the exact time you last used the app for a long time. You’ve always had some control over what users can see when you last used the Android or iOS app, but WhatsApp recently changed the privacy settings to give you even more options to turn off visible WhatsApp usage.

The newest privacy update lets you show your online status to everyone on WhatsApp, which was a default option that couldn’t be changed. Now you can also set your online status to use the same configuration as your last viewed preferences, so you can limit your online status to only your contacts, no one, and the newest option: your contacts, except for certain people.

Step 1. Open “Last Seen/Online”settings.

How you set up your online status depends on which device you are using.

  • Android phone: open the secondary action menu (vertical ellipsis), then go to Settings -> Account -> Privacy -> Last seen & online.
  • iPhone: Open the “Settings”tab, then go to “Privacy”-> “Last seen & online”. If you don’t see the “Privacy”menu in “Settings”, tap “Account”first.

Step 2: Select your status as Last Seen/Online.

Now you can decide who can see when you last visited and/or are currently using the WhatsApp app. Under the heading “Who can see when I’m online”- a new setting – you can choose between:

  • Every
  • Same as the last time

If you don’t want all WhatsApp users to see when you’re online, select the Like last time option, and then set up the Who can see my last seen section, which includes options for:

  • Every
  • My contacts
  • My contacts Except…
  • Nobody

Everyone, My contacts and Nobody speak for themselves and these options were already available for the last visit. The new “My Contacts Except”option allows you to select specific contacts from whom you want to hide your last seen status, as well as your online status when “Same as Last Seen”is selected.

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