How to cross out text in Discord: Discord Crossout

Discord is a popular platform where people can communicate with each other. It is a gaming platform where players can interact with other players or their fans. The application is equipped with many features that make it one of the best platforms. The application is unique in itself. You can create your own servers, which vary depending on the purpose, and invite other people to join so you can chat with them. If you’re using Discord for the first time, you might find it a little daunting. You may not be able to access basic features such as strikethrough text, make it bold, italic, etc.


How to strike out text in Discord

If you don’t know how to strike out text in Discord, you can follow the steps in this article. In this article, we discussed the steps to cross our text in Discord.

Cross out text in Discord

You can strikethrough or strikethrough text in Discord using the tilde (~) key on your keyboard. To strike out text in Discord, follow these steps:

How to do a strikethrough in Discord

  • Enter the text you want to cross out.
  • Now select the text and hover your mouse over it until a small black bar appears above it.
  • Now click on the “S”icon to strikethrough or strikethrough text in Discord.
  • You can enter your text between two tildes (~), before and after. For example, if you want to strikethrough the text “hello”, then you should leave it like this “~~hello~~”in Discord. When you send it to Discord, this text will show up as “hello”in Discord.

Similarly, there are other keyboard shortcuts that allow you to bold, underline, or italicize text. Below are the shortcuts for this:

  • Bold – To make text bold, put two asterisks on either side of the text. For example, “**bold**.
  • Italics. If you want to italicize text, just put one asterisk or one underline on both sides of the text. For example, *italic* or _italic_.
  • Underline – If you want to underline text, put two underscores on both sides of the text. For example, __underline__.

If you are using the desktop or browser version of Discord on your PC, then you will have a few more shortcuts in the context menu for this.

You can click the “B”icon to make it bold, or you can click the “I”icon to italicize text after it’s highlighted.

Final words

So you can strikethrough text in Discord. By following the steps mentioned in this article, you will be able to cross out text in Discord on both mobile and PC.