Round Apple Watch: Will Apple ever make a round watch?

Apple has long been a trendsetter, and its foray into the smartwatch market is no exception. Since the introduction of the Apple Watch, the device has become increasingly popular in the wearable segment. However, Apple has not experimented with the design, while other brands offer several options. As such, many consumers are wondering if Apple will ever release a round Apple Watch.

But before we get into the details, we should look back and consider why the Apple Watch is square.

The evolution of Apple Watch design

One look at the history of the Apple Watch and you’ll realize that the brand has gradually improved its display. Watches have always had a rectangular design with rounded edges. Display sizes for the first Apple Watch were 38mm and 42mm. However, with the introduction of the Apple Watch Series 7 and 8, screen sizes have been increased to 41mm and 45mm. With their flagship Watch Ultra, they took it up a notch and got a screen up to 49mm.

The technology behind the Apple Watch display has also evolved over time. With Apple Watch Series 8, screens are always active and brighter. These changes indicate that Apple is casually constantly improving the fundamental design of the Apple Watch display and not trying to fix what isn’t broken.

In the current smartwatch market, Apple is the only major smartwatch manufacturer that stands out with its rectangular Apple Watch. But why has Apple stuck with the square shape of the Apple Watch for so long? Let’s go deeper.

Why won’t Apple release a round watch face?

Round clocks are practically easy to manufacture, as dials, handles and other interior details have long been made in this way. In addition, the round shape of the glass makes the watch waterproof, as it can be tightly inserted into the case.

In addition, round glass has only one arc, which evenly distributes external pressure, making it more resistant to stress. A common belief was that glass with corners could be weak and prone to breaking at the edge.

In addition, the round watch design is popular with traditional watch lovers. Some argue that a round watch will look more elegant and sophisticated than a square-shaped Apple Watch. Others suggest that it will be more comfortable, sit better on the wrist, and be less likely to snag on clothing or other objects.

Regardless, it seems unlikely that Apple will make a round Apple Watch face anytime soon. One reason is that the Apple Watch’s square shape has become part of the brand’s design. Reshaping the device would be risky and could potentially alienate existing customers accustomed to the current design.

Many tech analysts also argue that with the Apple Watch’s square design, it’s easier to fit in app UIs appropriately and make them look like their iOS counterparts. This, in turn, complements the ideology of the Apple ecosystem.

Compatibility with watchOS features

Apple has invested heavily in watchOS development to get the most out of the square shape. So Apple would have to completely redesign watchOS and internals if they used a round display. Even if they do adapt to form, it’s not clear if traits can follow suit.

The main factor to consider is the practicality of round clocks. Apple prefers the rectangular form factor because of efficiency and how we consume information. A round Apple Watch will prevent text messages or notifications from showing up. In addition, a round screen displays far less data than a rectangular display.

The round display often has some of the information cut off. The information in the center of the screen will be fully readable and understandable. But when you swipe up or down, the top and bottom components will be hidden. Thus, you need to put more effort into screen reading. The square-shaped display uses all the empty spaces to display the information completely.

Nowadays, users are accustomed to rectangular displays of phones and laptops. Because of the square screen of smartwatches, they act like extensions of our phones. Therefore, there is no reason for Apple to make a round Apple Watch.

Final Verdict: Will there be a round Apple Watch?

Thoughtlessly following tradition would be a mistake, since the use of watches is the opposite of what they originally intended. A smart watch should have the most efficient form factor for its core functions, such as displaying the time and alerts, using apps, and more. So the rectangular shape is the best shape to use.

To the question “Will Apple make a round Apple Watch?” arose when news broke that Apple was experimenting with a round display thanks to a patent.

According to one patent, Apple unveiled its “curved edge display electronic device”in development in May 2018 and March 2021. In addition, several images illustrate what the Apple Watch might look like in the future. In addition to round hardware, Apple may be working on a mechanism to fully integrate watchOS with round screens.

But before everyone raises their expectations, I must give a strong warning. Apple regularly patents innovations that it never commercializes. So, for example, it’s entirely possible that Apple explored the possibility of making a round Apple Watch, but decided it wouldn’t be practical.

So I think that Apple would not change the current design to a round one. Instead, it could be a new option added to the current lineup.

Apple Watch – round or square?

While the idea of ​​a round Apple Watch may appeal to some consumers, it’s unlikely to become a reality. Apple has been developing the current design of the Apple Watch for a long time, and the change in shape will affect its established brand identity. As such, it’s more practical for Apple to keep improving the current Apple Watch design rather than risk bringing a new shape to market.

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