Mass Effect Legendary Edition can be added to Xbox Game Pass

Mass Effect has always been a franchise that has received a lot of love and praise from the community, and rightfully so. All 3 games in the series have a lot to offer, especially in terms of masterful storytelling and player involvement, and the Legendary Edition is a great way to experience 3 classics.

If you’ve never played the trilogy or perhaps want to relive old memories – perhaps getting an Xbox Game Pass might be your best option. According to an Xbox Store listing discovered by Polish gaming site XGP, it looks like Mass Effect Legendary Edition may be moving to Game Pass, quite possibly due to it coming to EA Play soon.

Usually major EA releases end up on EA Play, so it doesn’t look like the Legendary Edition will finally make it to Xbox Game Pass.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition could be a great addition to Game Pass


While the news hasn’t been confirmed yet, Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is a good Game Pass candidate as it’s still a much loved game in the community. Plus, it’s a great Game Pass title that brings longtime fans of the series to the service, and a great way for EA to rekindle the flames in hopes of building anticipation and bringing in new fans for the franchise’s next chapter.

EA has confirmed that another Mass Effect is currently in development, so bringing the Legendary Edition to Game Pass makes a lot of sense. The Legendary Edition is one of the best packs currently being released as it features 3 of the best games of its generation.