Lucio’s Best Counters in Overwatch 2 – Which Heroes to Pick

Lucio is a healer that can deal damage, knock enemies off the edge, and heal/boost the team. It can also roll great on walls! If you’re facing Lucio in most matches, you might be wondering which heroes to pick to counter him in Overwatch 2. Here are our suggestions.

How to counter Lucio in Overwatch 2?

These are some of the best OW2 heroes to play against Lucio.

  • cassidy
  • Tracer
  • Roadhog
  • farra


Lucio is fast, but if faced with Cassidy at close range, he can die in one shot. If you want to avoid someone like Cassidy or Hanzo as Lucio, you need to move randomly.


Speaking of movement, Tracer has the ability to teleport over short distances, making it difficult for Lucio to aim. She can take you by surprise and instantly knock you out if you don’t look behind you.


A good Roadhog player will make sure the team’s healer comes out first, so if he targets Lúcio with his Chain Hook attack, consider yourself dead.


She counters Lucio well for the same reason she counters Junkrat well – she’s in the air. As Lucio, it can be difficult for you to hit her with your projectiles because she can get out of the way easily (or they might not even reach her). On the other hand, she can easily unleash a barrage of missiles on Lucio from above.


Apart from the heroes mentioned above, Genji, Sombra, Mei, Soldier: 76, Symmetra and Torbjorn/Sojorn can be good opponents for Lucio’s mobility. This is due to their hitscan/characters with auto-lock weapons/hacking abilities. The main goal is to ensure that Lucio loses his mobility/feels trapped and then simply eliminates him from the round. He is best played with another tank or damage hero, so if you catch him alone, it’s time to kill him.

Hope this helps you. You can check out our Overwatch 2 wiki guide for all the tips and tricks we’ve covered so far, including hero counters.