Best League of Legends Champions for Advanced Players

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League of Legends by Riot Games is a fantasy adventure full of amazing champions. Each of them has special qualities that can have a devastating effect on their enemies. Over 150 champions wreak havoc on the map. Each champion’s power can be affected by how effectively the player controls their weapons. The best performance of a champion makes the most of the player’s skills and helps him rise even higher in the rankings.


Shen is an armored Ionian warrior with psychic energy. Known as the Eye of Twilight, his extraordinary skills have made him a fierce but reliable leader. He has the power to throw a protective shield around his allies. He can also remember his powerful spiritual blade. Shen’s secretive nature is difficult to analyze, although he works best when protecting the worlds of spirit and reality.


Darius, also known as the Hand of Noxus, is an uncomplicated Juggernaut-class killing machine. His armor is of gigantic proportions to emphasize his strength and power. Enemy champions everywhere fear him, especially when he guillotines Noxus. Darius is then rewarded with a few seconds of additional Noxan Might, which turns him into one of the deadliest champions in League of Legends.


Katarina can be an effective killer for a player who is looking to move up the ranks. Equipped with the sharpest steel blades in LoL, she has earned herself the fame of the Sinister Blade. When Katarina throws a dagger at an enemy, it deals magic damage. Each dagger attack can land 350 range before ricocheting off one or two enemies.


Zack, the Secret Weapon reptilian, is a difficult champion to master. Large and ferocious, he loses a part of himself every time he kills an enemy. This action often renders him immobile and vulnerable to attack. Zack can regenerate by consuming his lost segments, reviving to a percentage of his current health level. If he receives a strong blow, he splits into four parts and dies if each quarter is destroyed.


Players must be mentally agile to handle the abilities of the ruthless ex-criminal Jinx. She lives up to her Loose Cannon name with her impulsive and unpredictable behavior. Jinx has a large arsenal of weapons, but her strength is often weakened by her instability, which sometimes harms herself. Successfully hitting an enemy temporarily increases her speed for a few vital seconds.


League of Legends has built its success on the many powerful characters that roam the maps. When the player’s style complements the character’s abilities, the results can be dynamic. Watch the champions in action by checking out the League of Legends schedule at Then see how advanced players can make champions perform at their best.