Junkrat’s Best Counters in Overwatch 2 – Best Heroes

Junkrat is a DPS hero who uses grenades, concussive mines, steel traps, and exploding tires to get kills. The ultimate can net you some kills if you time it right, but some heroes can easily counter your efforts. If you play Junkrat or have him on the opposing team, here are Overwatch 2 counters you should be aware of.

How to counter Junkrat in Overwatch 2?

Here are the heroes that can defeat Junkrat in OW2:

  • Farrah – Best Counter
  • Widowmaker – best counter
  • Hanzo
  • Genji
  • Reaper
  • cassidy
  • Kiriko

Junkrat succeeds when close to enemies, but can fail if too close. That’s when enemies playing as Reaper and Cassidy can easily defeat him. In addition, the Reaper has a teleportation ability that can teleport him out of the area that Junkrat deals damage. If you’re playing as Junkrat and want to dodge an enemy, you can place a Stun Mine near you and detonate it while you’re on it to get airborne and reach the rooftops.

Junkrat requires the tank player to reach his full potential, mainly because he doesn’t have much speed, can’t climb walls, and doesn’t have teleportation skills. Thanks to this, a good Pharah player can instantly kill Junkrat with his projectiles. Junkrat’s bombs can be useless if Pharah is flying throughout the match.

Widowmaker is a sniper hero who can shoot Junkrat in the head from afar, even if he doesn’t know what just happened. If Widowmaker is somehow at ground level, Junkrat can send a tire to explode right next to her to kill her. But otherwise, Junkrat can’t handle this long-range hero. The same goes for Hanzo.

Genji is very fast and Junkrat can have a hard time keeping up with him. He can rush in close and damage Junkrat, and this will happen quickly before you can use your traps or mines to increase the distance.

Apart from these heroes, others who have the ability to teleport or move fast (such as Kiriko) can also prove to be good opponents for Junkrat. Just be aware that he also has bombs that go off when he dies.

Hope this helps you. You can check out our OW2 wiki guide for all the tips and tricks we’ve covered so far, including hero counters.