Best Ways to Block Unknown Numbers on Android

Incoming anonymous calls can be annoying. Many applications designed to block anonymous calls don’t work well. A third party call identification service can be expensive. Here are my best ways to block unknown numbers on Android.

Unwanted calls from strangers are one of the disadvantages of carrying a phone in your pocket. You could, of course, ignore the call or say goodbye, but that’s not it. By blocking unknown numbers on Android, you can prevent this from happening.

Today we will go on a hike to block unknown numbers on Android phones.

What happens when I block a contact?

  • The blocked phone number is identified when the call blocking function is turned on, and smartphones do not ring.
  • You will not receive any notification or alert that you are being called, whether or not you have blocked your phone number or followed the instructions below to restrict all private and unauthorized calls.
  • The numbers will also not send you SMS.
  • If you check your voicemail, you won’t find it empty because a blocked unknown caller can still leave a voice note.

In contrast, blocking a private phone number is not ideal. A friend or family member who uses a private number will also be prevented from calling because the setting applies a complete ban to all private numbers. This is because number blocking is a feature of the device and not a feature of the network.

Because the blocking feature cannot distinguish between family and strangers, it is recommended that you inform your friends and family that your phone will not accept calls from their private numbers.

How to block unknown numbers on Android

Here is the best way to block unknown numbers on android. These steps block an unknown number of Android devices and Samsung phones.

  1. Blocking unknown numbers on Android
  2. Blocking unknown callers on Samsung

1. Block unknown numbers on Android

Almost every Android device contains a Google phone app that allows you to make and receive calls (surprised?)

Since we are not here to receive calls from unknown numbers, we:

  1. Open the Phone app (available on the Google Play Store) by tapping the handset icon.
  2. Tap the three-dot menu in the top right corner.
  3. Tap settings or call settings.
  4. Select the “Blocked Numbers”option.
  5. Then finally toggle the switch from “Unknown”to “On”.

You will no longer receive small unidentified calls that are annoying salesmen or pranksters or spam callers.

2. Block unknown callers on Samsung

The Samsung Galaxy contains its own phone app without relying on the traditional Google Phone app. That’s why I had to mention it separately for you guys. So, let’s dive into blocking strangers who call (or send messages) to your Samsung Galaxys/Notes.

Blocking unknowns on Samsung requires you to:

  1. Open the stock Samsung Phone app.
  2. Get the on-screen keyboard and tap on the three-dot menu in the top right corner.
  3. Then click “Settings”.
  4. Select Block Numbers.
  5. Finally, move the “Block unknown/private numbers”toggle switch to the right to turn it on.

That’s it, you will no longer receive calls or SMS from unknown numbers on your Samsung device.


There are many ways to block spam calls on Android and iPhone devices. After reading this, you will know how to block unknown numbers on Android. Follow all the above methods to block unknown calls on Android.

Also, I mentioned blocking unknown callers for those using Samsung devices.


How to directly block unknown numbers?

1. On an Android device, tap the phone icon, often found at the bottom of the home screen.2. Click the three dots at the top of the phone app interface.3. Select “Settings”from the drop-down menu.4. Toggle the button next to “Block Unknown Callers”to green after selecting “Block Numbers”.

Can you block an unknown caller ID on Android?

1. The phone app is available on the device for Android users.2. Click the three dots at the top right corner of the dialer search bar.3. You can now activate the hidden numbers/unknown numbers option to block unknown and private numbers on the user’s device.

What does it mean to block unknown callers on Android?

To block unauthorized/unknown private calls, activate the “Block unknown callers”option so that you can no longer receive them.

Can I block all calls from unknown numbers?

Yes you can.1. Tap the Android phone icon, often found at the bottom of the home screen. 2. Then tap the three dots at the top right corner of the screen, and then “Settings”and “Blocked Numbers”. 3. After that, turn on “Block calls from unknown callers”by tapping the switch on the right.