Microids enters the German-speaking market

After France, Japan and China, Microids is implementing its growth strategy in Germany.

The Microids office in Berlin will, over the next few months, take care of negotiating agreements with key players in the German, Swiss and Austrian markets, as well as publishers and studios in the region, all in conjunction with the house in France. The keys were handed over to Julien Renzaho, VP Sales and Business Development: “A logical continuation of our growth, given that the German-speaking area represents our second market in Europe after France. This will allow us to intensify our relationship with local development studios and forge closer relationships with official German video game institutions.”

“With the establishment of our distribution network in France with the help of MDF, the opening of two in-house studios in Paris and Lyon, and the acquisition of a stake in OSome Studio, these past two years have been decisive for us,” states Stéphane Longard. CEO of Microids. “Although the company has been in existence for over 37 years, the new strategy launched almost 10 years ago allows us to achieve record sales and positions us as a major player in the video game and action figure industry through Plastoy. After opening an office in Japan in 2021, there is also an opportunity to open an office in China, which allows us to develop in Asia as well as expand our catalog. The opening of the German office gives us the opportunity to increase our growth in Europe.”

Microids is increasingly becoming a key player in the video game industry

In 2021, the Microids group reached over $55 million in turnover and continues to develop their catalog with international licenses. With 85% of its turnover generated outside of France and growth of over 60% between 2020 and 2021, Microids has not finished expanding into new countries and new regions.