Microsoft: Phil Spencer on NFTs in video games

The Xbox boss says he’s being cautious about how NFTs are currently viewed in games.

While non-fungible tokens (a digital object attached to a digital identity associated with a non-empty set of owners), or NFTs, have gained prominence in many areas, including video games, thanks to Atari, Electronic Arts, Ubisoft, and soon Sony Interactive Entertainment, some people are still very cautious about this new technology. Valve’s Steam has a policy banning all games that use blockchain technology that allows NFTs and cryptocurrencies.

Phil Spencer is not interested in NFTs at the moment

Phil Spencer, head of the Xbox division at Microsoft, is suspicious and believes they are currently more exploited than creative: “I think there’s a lot of speculation and experimentation and some of the creations I see today are more of an exploitation, than entertainment. I don’t think it’s necessary to work with every NFT game. I just think we’re living in a time where people will find out about it. And I can understand that at first you see a lot of things that you probably don’t need in your store. I think anything we see in our store that we consider exploitation would be something we would take action on. We don’t need that kind of content.”