There are several hostile mobs in Minecraft and the Phantom is one of them. For those who don’t know, hostile mobs will attack the player when they enter their field of vision. Unfortunately, the Phantom is not an ordinary hostile mob, but a hostile mob of the undead. So, before you is not an ordinary bird, but a flying monster. Hence, it is important that you know every detail about this creature. That said, check out this guide, which has everything you need to know about the Phantom, including its spawn conditions and how to defeat it.
What is a phantom in Minecraft?
As mentioned above, Phantoms are flying undead mobs that attack the player as soon as they are discovered. In addition, it is one of the fastest mobs in the overworld. In Minecraft, the Phantom usually flies 15 to 25 player blocks horizontally in a circular motion. You will know that it is a Phantom by its behavior, for example:
- When flying, it leaves behind traces of gray smoke.
- They will attack the target (you) every 10-20 seconds.

When does the phantom appear?
In Minecraft, the phantom only spawns at night when the player has not rested for 3 days in a row. From a technical point of view, they appear if the “time since the last rest”is at least 72,000 ticks, which corresponds to 1 hour in real life or 3 days in the game.
For those who don’t know, Minecraft runs at a constant rate of 20 ticks per second. Which is 24,000 ticks in 20 minutes and 72,000 ticks in 60 minutes.
How to defeat a phantom in minecraft?
You can damage the Phantom by dealing melee damage. It is important to note that healing potions deal damage to this creature, while potions with a damage effect heal it. They are also immune to any poisonous effect. If you have any sword or ax with Smite Enchantment, then you can deal heavy damage to the Phantom in Minecraft. In addition, you can immediately go to bed so that the game day is reset and the Phantom burns in the sun. Upon death, the Phantom drops the Phantom Membrane as loot, which is later used in brewing potions.
This is everything you need to know about Phantoms in Minecraft. While you’re here, be sure to check out our other Minecraft guides.