Minutes, GPTKey, Sup and more apps to try this weekend

Congratulations! You’ve survived another week and now it’s time for our review of the apps of the week. This is one of my favorite reviews we’ve done lately, with a time tracking app, a custom AI keyboard, and a new way to share audio. And, as always, we have a new fun game for you.

Minutes – time tracking app

Where did the time go? Have you ever asked yourself this? You look at your watch and somehow the day is much later than you thought and you didn’t do anything you wanted to. Minutes is an app that wants to help you answer that question. Basically, it’s a time tracker for every minute of your day that, if you’re willing to manually enter your activities, can offer a lot of useful data about how you spend your time. The nice thing is that once you enter an activity once, it is saved for later use.

Download for free

GPTKey: ChatGPT Keyboard

Have you noticed all the screenshots of AI chats lately? This is the new OpenAI ChatGPT chatbot that is so amazingly smart that users record conversations and share them online. Now you too can access ChatGPT technology anytime with this custom keyboard extension. Simply download GPTKey, turn on your keyboard, select a writing prompt, and let the AI ​​generate a unique and creative response for you.

Download for free

Extra – Deca

Okay, this is pretty wild. Sup is a new platform for recording and sharing short, fun and meaningful audio clips. With this app, you can send sounds to your friends’ phones even if they are locked. As long as they are your friends on the Sup app, you can send push notifications with short sound effects and audio clips that automatically play when received. You really have to see this app in action to fully understand the cool factor.

Download for free

Country map

We apologize to everyone who was looking forward to choosing a game, who was hoping for an intense first-person shooter or maybe an exciting platformer. This week I decided to play a geography based quiz. Country Map Trivia is a fun and engaging game that tests your knowledge of the countries of the world. In each round, the game shows a map region with the names of several countries. Your task is to choose the correct name of the country highlighted on the map.

Download for free