For now, Nintendo will stay away from the metaverse and NFTs.

Nintendo doesn’t seem to care about the metaverse, let alone the NFT.

Metaverse and NFT. These are two words that have been on everyone’s lips or almost everyone’s lips in recent months. And the technologies behind these concepts are already well established in the technology industry, Facebook even decided to change the name to Meta, thereby reflecting the intention to focus on the metaverse. That being said, despite all the hype around these technological concepts, some are completely passionate about it, others are more restrained, even downright insensitive. What is Nintendo’s position on this issue?

Nintendo is not interested in the metaverse

During the presentation of Nintendo’s financial results, the company was asked what it thinks about the metaverse and NFT today. While Big N admits that the metaverse concept has indeed piqued their interest, it looks like the Japanese giant has decided to stay away from it, at least for now.

“As an entertainment company, our main goal is to bring fresh and fun surprises to our customers. We might see something if we could find a way to provide a “Nintendo approach”to the metaverse that most people can understand, but we don’t think that’s the case right now.”

and even more so NFT, it seems

The company also, so to speak, did not even bother to answer the question about the NFT, thereby implying that it was not interested in it at all. This may be good news for gamers, who may already be tired of developers and other publishers who seem to be rushing to embrace this technology and integrate it into their games. With an often dubious added value and a general interest that is, to put it mildly, limited.