Prevent strangers from using your Netflix account, keep it secure

A Netflix account, like any web service, can be hacked. Then speculators can watch what they like for free and without your knowledge. Here’s how to detect it and secure your account.

Your Netflix account is not a resource available to everyone. Even if you’re great at managing your passwords, strangers can recover your IDs and watch what they want without your permission. If your account is compromised and speculators gain access to it, you will feel in double danger. You can share your password with your loved ones, but beware of any suspicious activity.

Is there a new profile? Attention

Most subscribers pay attention to the main screen and various profiles. You can have up to five, but if you see a new one popping up, that’s the first sign that someone has access to your account.

Check with those to whom you gave your password before disturbing you. If no one is responsible for creating this new profile, delete it and change your password. To delete a profile, sign in to your Netflix account on a web browser, click the profile icon, then click Manage Profiles. Select the desired profile and click Remove Profile.

Then check the history on your profiles. A new show that appears in the “Resume”line, a new genre suggested in the recommendations, a new “Because you watched”line with a show or movie you’ve never seen are all warning signs. Again, make sure it’s not a relative.


Netflix sends email alerts when the service detects a “new”device that’s signed into your account. This letter, as a rule, indicates the place, date and time of the connection. Check from time to time.

Sign in to a web browser and go to your account page. Tap Recent Streaming Activity. Make sure the devices and location are familiar. Otherwise, change your password. But before that, on the page of your Account, click “Log out from all devices.”

Netflix does not allow editing or deleting streaming data. It’s a good thing to keep track of potential scalpers.

Check your accounts

Chances are your Netflix subscription will automatically renew. In fact, you don’t have to check the amount every time. Do this to make sure your subscription type hasn’t changed. And do this, even if you find out that your account has been hacked and you cancel your subscription, someone can still take advantage of this by charging you.

If you know that you have a standard plan, but you pay for a premium plan for several months, chances are that someone has switched plans without your knowledge. In this case, contact Netflix and let them know that you must have been hacked. And don’t forget to change your password and email address.

Protect your account

It is extremely important to change the password as soon as possible before the scalper reconnects. And choose a strong password. Sometimes these scalpers change the language, modify the plan type, and add a few new profiles.

It’s also a good idea to check if your email address has been hacked by going to a site like Have I Been Pwned. Enter your email address or phone number and you’ll be able to see if your information has been shared with the dark web. If this is the case, change your Netflix account email address to an insecure one.

When you change the email address on your Netflix account, you will receive a code to your old email address to verify your identity. End the process. But if the email address belongs to a pirate, you will need to contact Netflix support to explain your case. If that doesn’t work, you will need to cancel your account and create a new one.