Netflix for iOS implements an external subscribe button

After changing Apple’s policy on reading apps, Netflix has now added an external subscribe button to its iPhone and iPad software.

  • Netflix for iPhone and iPad no longer launches with a cryptic screen offering a sign in button without any information on how to create an account outside of the app.
  • There is now a button that takes them to a page on the Netflix website where they can become a member by purchasing a subscription from outside.
  • This is the first example of how Apple’s new rules for external subscribe buttons work. Apple notes that external subscriptions cannot be managed from one central location like those using Apple’s billing system. Refunds and other features are also not available through Apple.

Netflix for iOS now offers an external subscribe button

“You’re about to exit the app and go to an external website,”says a tooltip in the updated Netflix iOS app. “You will no longer be doing deals with Apple,” it states. As part of Apple’s policies, this invitation includes a description of what it means to terminate transactions with the company. Read: How to cancel a Netflix account

The developer will manage any account or purchases made outside of this app. Your App Store account, saved payment methods, and related features such as subscription management and refund requests will not be available. Apple is not responsible for the privacy or security of transactions made with this developer.

The “Learn More”button opens the App Store story, which offers more details about using external subscription options in apps.

Apple bows to antitrust pressure

Other apps can also use their own signup buttons to direct users to an external signup page. Apple resisted this change for a long time because it cannot charge fees for external payments. But things began to change as governments around the world began threatening legal action if Apple didn’t make a change. Finally, succumbing to antitrust pressure, Apple is now allowing reader apps to provide a single link to a signup page to create a new account or purchase a subscription.

To reiterate, this change only applies to App Store reader apps, which are apps that serve as a viewer for a library of existing content. Some examples of reading apps include Spotify, Netflix, Hulu, Curiosity Stream, and the like. Developers can add these external subscribe buttons to their apps in iOS 15.5 and later.