Netflix: historic deal with French cinema

A new step forward in modernizing the French cinema ecosystem with Netflix.

The American subscription video-on-demand platform has committed to investing at least 30 million euros per year in the cinematic creation of original French expression and producing at least ten French films each year with a budget of less than or equal to four million euros.

By becoming the privileged partner of French cinema in the form of BLIC (The Film Industry Liaison Office), BLOC (The Motion Picture Organizations Liaison Office) and the ARP (Civil Society of Authors, Directors and Producers), Netflix confirms its place in the new media chronology, which gives it the first the broadcast window is 15 months after the release of films in theaters for seven exceptional months.

New partnership between French cinema and Canal+

To benefit from the promotion of a window in the media timeline six months after the theatrical release, in accordance with its renewed status as a leading member of French and European cinema, an exclusive rights window of at least nine months, which can go up to 16 months with a second window and a better opportunity to exhibit and distribute works on its channels, the Canal+ group has pledged to invest more than 600 million euros over the next three years in French and European cinema.