Netflix is ​​working on live streaming features

Netflix is ​​working on live streaming features and refining its direction of artistic expression.

According to Deadline, Netflix intends to stream a live presentation of its upcoming series and comedies. Netflix told the ever-well-informed outlet that it has started a project to develop this feature.

Netflix is ​​working on live streaming features

The deadline hints that the streaming giant could use the technology to run live polls for shows like the upcoming Dance 100 or its annual Netflix joke festival, among other possible uses. The feature in question doesn’t yet have a specific rollout date, and is said to be only being worked on by a small team within the company, apparently only in its “pre-development”phase. Netflix has been contacted about this to clarify what this is all about.

and clarifies its direction for artistic expression

Meanwhile, The Wall Street Journal reported a few days ago that the company recently updated its cultural guidelines with a new section called “artistic expression.”This section communicates to employees that they may be required to work on projects that do not align with their values.

“Not everyone will like or agree with everything we do on our service…and we let users decide what suits them. Netflix does not censor specific artists or voices,” the company explains, specifically in this document. “Depending on your role, you may need to work on titles that you may consider dangerous. If you’re having trouble cashing in on this abundance of content, Netflix might not be the best company for you.”

Netflix explained to The Wall Street Journal that it has spent the past eighteen months discussing these cultural issues with its employees. The company has changed its guidelines to help job seekers make “more informed decisions about whether Netflix is ​​right for them.”

This update comes after a heated controversy over the latest episode of The Dave Chappelle Show. Many staff criticized the comedian and The Closer on the grounds that they are all transphobic. Netflix’s response to the incident, including the decision to fire an employee who allegedly shared sensitive information about this content, led to a strike.