Nintento warns of possible Switch shortage in 2022

Nintendo fears Switch shortage in 2022 Big N may not be able to meet the demand due to a shortage.

There is a worldwide shortage of microchips, and it is so great that it affects many industries, some of which we were not even aware of. No one knows when we will see the end of this, and the number of affected companies is increasing. Nintendo seems to be one of them. If you were looking to buy a Nintendo Switch sometime in 2022, don’t be surprised if you find it hard to find.

Nintendo fears Switch shortage in 2022

Indeed, if several reports from Japan are to be believed, Big N chairman Suntaro Furukawa is warning that supplies could be affected. In his own words, although the company recorded very good sales figures at the end of this 2021, in 2022 the company may not be able to meet demand.

In particular, Shuntaro Furukawa said: “Of course, this will depend on demand, but I am afraid that we will not be able to deliver the consoles in the quantity that we originally needed.”The company originally projected to ship at least 25.5 million units in the fiscal year ending March. This figure was subsequently reduced to 24 million.

Big N may not be able to meet demand due to shortages

Admittedly, this is a small change from the original forecast, but it does indicate that Nintendo is genuinely concerned that it will not be able to fully meet demand and is unwilling to provide investors with numbers that it cannot meet. This doesn’t mean you can’t find the switch if you want to, but it’s something to keep in mind.

We hope that in any case, the shortage of chips can be reduced, which will allow many industries, including computers, video games and automobiles, to breathe a little and satisfy the needs of their customers.