The iOS 16 lock screen provides a Depth Effect option that allows you to interact with wallpaper images. It’s a playful way to integrate background objects with the iOS UI. When using the right image, the screen lock clock can be hidden by the main focal point of the image. This depth effect superhero wallpaper takes advantage of the new update.
super hero ios 16 wallpaper
The next collection covers several characters from the DC and Marvel universes with a small bonus Kenobi wallpaper. Each image has been tested on an iPhone 14 Pro Max running iOS 16.0.2 and 16.1. I personally cut most of them to the right size so that I can immediately take advantage of the new Depth Effect ability. When you set them as wallpaper, iOS 16 zooms in unnecessarily. For perfect placement, zoom out to use full canvas size.
Thanks to @ aym3n_kcm for the superhero idea and some images from the collection below!
It should be noted that Loki’s version gave me the most trouble. Hence, it is on a larger canvas to ensure perfect placement. Once you fit it right, the horns on his helmet will look great on the watch!
Required Reading: If you’re having trouble applying depth to an image, get ready to take a look at our troubleshooting guide.
To find your own depth effect wallpaper, make sure the image is high quality, clear, and has contrasting colors between the subject and the background. I have found that the depth effect is harder to initiate when the subject covers too much of the clock – look for images with a decent gap in focus and top of the image.

We recently posted another collection of photographic images with depth effect. The article linked below also contains some pro tips on how to find the perfect wallpaper to make the new effect work well!
Wall mural with depth effect