Twitch error code 274F1828 explained

Many Twitch users are getting error 274F1828 when they try to sign into the app with their PS5. And PlayStation users aren’t the only ones getting this error, some Xbox users are also experiencing it. But little is known about why you’re getting it or how to solve it. So, in this guide, check out everything you need to know about Twitch error code 274F1828 and see if you can fix it.

What is Twitch error 274F1828?

As previously mentioned, 274F1828 is a Twitch bug that prevents users from logging into their account on the Twitch app for their consoles. You can check out the Reddit thread here. Many users are complaining that this is the error they are getting on their PS5. While most of the complaints here are about the PS5, many Xbox users seem to be experiencing this issue as well.

As user u/Tango-range explained, they tried to login but it didn’t work. Even after you log in and give authorization from your browser, you still won’t be able to login. And eventually the user gets an error saying that there was a problem connecting to Twitch with error codes 274F1828 and F512222.

How to fix error 274F1828 or F512222?

There doesn’t seem to be an official way to fix this yet, but there is a workaround. Thanks to u/EdgeAlterNation for sharing this fix in the thread above.

  • Activate your device with incognito: open incognito mode in any browser on your PC. Then go to the Twitch Device Activation page from a browser. Now enter the device code in the text field and click “Activate”.

But this fix doesn’t work for everyone. So the only way to fix this properly is to fix Twitch on your end. Therefore, there is nothing you can do but wait.

This guide describes what Twitch error 274F1828 is and if it can be fixed. I suggest you check out our other Twitch guides if you want to learn more about earning drops in games, linking your account, emotes, and more.