One of the benefits of a jailbroken iPhone is that you can do things with it that regular users can’t. This often means that you may be asked how you can do this when using a unique jailbreak-based feature.
Since conversations like this can bring in more people interested in jailbreaking their devices, we thought it appropriate to share what we think is one of the best conversation starter jailbreak tweaks for jailbroken iOS 14 devices.
So, if you are looking for the next eye-catching setting that will interest others around you in this theme, then we think you will find the next thing you need.
The best talk about jailbreak tweaks for iOS 14
Converted Cylinder – FREE
An obvious addition to today’s list is Cylinder Remade, which can be used to personalize the animation style of home screen app icons as you swipe left and right.
This tweak is chock-full of animation options so your home screen doesn’t bore you from scrolling to the next one, and it’s one of the most distinctive ways for non-hackers to say you have something they don’t. T.
You can learn more about Cylinder Remade and how it works in our full review.
LottieLockscreen – FREE
The lock screen is something you can’t help but interact with every time you pick up your iPhone, so it’s clear that people around you will notice when something on it doesn’t look normal.
LottieLockscreen is a free jailbreak tweak that enhances the lock screen elements with a cute lottery style animation that makes them very attractive.
Photon – $2.99
iOS 16 users may finally be able to say they have a permanent display, but that doesn’t mean it works the way they want it to. In fact, many iPhone users say that this is very different from what they expected, and that Apple has its own inconsistent attitude towards the user experience.
If you want an always-on display that no iOS 16 user can have, then you might want to look into a jailbreak setting called Photon as it allows you to have a more traditional always-on display with a dark background and nothing but display time and in more font options than iOS 16 provides.
RichInfo – FREE
Many people don’t even use Reachability on their iPhones, but those who do know that the empty space left at the top of the display is filled with potential.
ReachInfo is a handy jailbreak tweak because it fills that space with useful data of your choice, be it device info, an analog clock, or whatever. And we can tell you from experience that someone sitting very close to you will check their Reachability interface to find out why their interface doesn’t do what yours does.
You can learn more about ReachInfo and how it works in our full review.
LottieStatusBar – FREE
Earlier we showed you LottieLockscreen to make your lock screen look aesthetically pleasing to the eyes of stock iPhone users, and the LottieStatusBar jailbreak setting brings the same aesthetic to your iPhone’s status bar when you’re not using the lock screen.
With LottieStatusBar, status bar items such as the time, battery level indicator, and Wi-Fi signal strength indicator are animated using the same lottery-style animations we discussed above. The effects pop up and are striking not only to you, but also to passers-by.
Velox Reloaded 2 – $2.99
Every iPhone comes standard with a set of widgets that you can add to the home screen and the Today page to the left of the home screen, but the Velox Reloaded 2 tweak can make it so you have more widgets to choose from. than the average iPhone user.
SmartVolumeControl3 – $2.99
If you’re the type to change your volume frequently, then the SmartVolumeControl3 jailbreak tweak is a great way to get a completely different HUD volume aesthetic than any stock iPhone.
With this tweak, you can have almost a dozen different HUD volume styles, all of which look great and can make those who don’t know how to hack the system want to know how they can get them.
Zenith – $1.99
Folders have been the gold standard for home screen organization for years, but some people want something that looks cleaner and more convenient when working with similar apps.
Zenith is a jailbreak tweak that can be used to group similar apps under a single home screen app icon, and it looks cool enough that someone will probably ask you how you do it.
LottieNotifications – FREE
The last of the lottery-style animation settings we’ll be discussing in today’s review is LottieNotifications, a setting that adds lottery-style animations to your incoming notification banners.
Nothing evokes “hey, how did you do that?”like a lottery-style animation on an inbox banner that someone sitting on the bench next to you might accidentally see.
You can learn more about how LottieNotifications makes your notification banners look like in our full review.
Vinculum 2 – $0.99
Want to make it easier to access your iPhone’s app library and at the same time be able to say, “Hey, look,”to someone, like a kid in kindergarten? If so, try the jailbreak tweak called Vinculum 2.
With this tweak, you can access the App Library by swiping up on the home screen dock, which will save you a few swipes if your home screen is cluttered. It even looks cool when you do it.
Now that you’re well versed in perhaps the most compelling iOS 14 jailbreak settings, you shouldn’t have any trouble getting someone’s attention to the point where they might ask how you were able to do it. These conversations can turn those who don’t know how to jailbreak into jailbreakers.
Are you using any of the jailbreak settings discussed in this article, or are you planning to start using any of them? Be sure to let us know in the comments section below.