Elden Ring Endless Death Loop Error on PC Fixed FromSoftware

Elden Ring, a game that has gained immense popularity since its launch, has just discovered one of its biggest vulnerabilities, patched by the game’s developer, FromSoftware. In a rather inconvenient bug that many destroyers in the game have since used, Elden Ring saw players teleport out of their area in the game and out of the map. This caused a logic error that resulted in characters spawning outside of the game map and therefore falling to their death every time they respawned.

The disadvantage of Elden Ring: why it was important

The main reason this was important is because players have reported losing hundreds of hours of gameplay due to this tactic. That’s a lot of time spent in the game is wasted because the save files are no longer recoverable.

The looping was due to an unpatched flaw in the game that was exploited by many of the disruptors and attackers in the game. The sequence of events will continue such that in the game the intruders will attack the player in an area on the map. This attack will then result in a teleportation attack that sends the seemingly unsuspecting player out of the map area.

While under normal circumstances this would have resulted in the player in question being respawned in an undefined area of ​​the game, a bug has resulted in the respawn of the player outside of the map itself. The problem was exacerbated by the fact that the game also automatically saved progress at the moment the player spawned, which meant that the last saved place for the player in the game ended up outside the game map, due to which they fell to their death and died every time they respawned in the game.

This was a seemingly unrecoverable situation and also resulted in players losing all of their saved game data. All of this has been fixed in the game, including a second flaw that prevented players from advancing at certain levels of the game. Some players reportedly said that if their reaction time was fast enough that they could be teleported to another location on the map, they might still be able to save their game data.

However, if you fall victim to this trick, you will basically have to start the game from the beginning – all over again.