Key Ways Technology Can Improve Student Productivity

Productivity is the amount of work that can be done in a given period of time. Productivity for students means an enhanced learning experience and improved performance, resulting in higher grades and higher achievement rates.

Increased productivity allows students to complete their work faster so that they can spend their time on other activities such as further study or participation in recreational activities. Students should increase productivity to reduce stress levels and avoid health problems such as obesity and diabetes.

How technology can improve student productivity

Technology can improve performance in a number of ways. These methods include the following: online collaborations, online assessments, digital textbooks, and online research. We discuss them right below:


According to the resume writing service, collaboration is perhaps the most important of all the ways students can increase their productivity with the help of technology. The most significant benefit of collaborative work is that it allows people to freely discuss ideas in a group, be more creative with their concepts, and express them better, which broadens their prospects for achieving better results when studying or completing assignments in school. For example, if one student understands something better than others in an online forum, they can share their thoughts with other group members who might find it helpful when learning new concepts in the classroom, such as science or math.

Online assessments

Online assessments are also very helpful for students as this tool allows them to take tests online with minimal supervision from teachers or instructors. If a student is sick or needs to go somewhere urgently, he does not need permission from the teacher, which means that he can still show up for his tests, exams and quizzes without worrying about running out of time. The main reason online assessment saves a lot of time for students is that they don’t have to wait in long lines to take their tests; they can do this quickly by using an automated system that does all the assessments on its own after receiving responses from the student via email, notifications, etc.

Digital textbooks

Digital textbooks are a more efficient and time-saving alternative for students as they allow them to save a lot of money on textbooks that they would otherwise have to buy from bookstores or online at very high prices. Digital versions of textbooks also provide access to all chapters from any device, which means that students can read, do homework anywhere and at any time. There is no additional penalty fee or additional fines for the timely return of books.

Online research

Students can increase their productivity by using online research tools and online assignment help because they provide fast results, which can save you a lot of valuable time when looking for ideas for a class project or writing an essay at school. There is too much information available on the Internet on various topics, issues and concepts, and some of it is reliable and the rest is not. This makes research and finding reliable resources a daunting process for new learners that takes longer than expected. A great example of online research tools that students can use to find reliable sources is Google Scholar.

How to use technology to improve student productivity without losing focus

There are several ways students can be more productive with technology, but they must learn how to do it safely and responsibly so they don’t lose focus on their studies. Here are some of the ways students can use technology without losing focus.

Designation of “study areas”

Some places, such as the library, lecture halls, or classrooms, are for reading, studying, and learning, while others are not. Students should label these areas so they don’t waste time on social media or online shopping instead of focusing on their work. It will also make them more productive, because they won’t have to worry about losing track of time, causing them to fall behind their classmates or friends who may be more serious than them about school work/study.

Economical use of technology

Students must learn to control the urge to keep checking email, notifications, and updates because this is one of the biggest distractions that can ruin their concentration and productivity. They should only use technology when necessary, such as checking email for assignments or homework, doing online research, etc.

Know when to turn off

Many students tend to forget the importance of disconnecting from time to time, so they lose count and later struggle with their studies and other school work, which leads to stress and anxiety. The best way to avoid these obstacles is to take regular breaks every 2-3 hours; it means getting used to working non-stop without interruption. A short walk around the block or a quick workout at home (if you live alone) will help them clear their heads before getting back to work.


While technology can help students increase their productivity, it also brings many distractions that can get them into trouble if not used responsibly. This means that students need to learn how to use technology more productively and effectively while maintaining the proper balance in life while completing other important tasks such as studying (for example), regular exercise, etc. Teachers can also help their students increase their productivity. by using technology more responsibly because they know the right tools and techniques to use to achieve better results.