Overwatch 2: The Best Heroes for Players with Poor Purpose

Overwatch 2 can be an addictive game if you have the right target for headshots. It takes time and a lot of practice to get there, which may not suit some players. But you shouldn’t miss out on the fun of OW2 if you have a bad goal – there are quite a few characters that you can play as and be an important part of the team without asking others to carry you. Here are the best Overwatch 2 heroes for bad aim players.

The best Overwatch 2 heroes for bad aim players

These are our suggestions for picking the best characters from each class if your target isn’t perfect in OW 2. If experienced players pick these heroes, they’ll perform great, but even if you don’t have fine aiming skills, they can be useful.

Best Tank Heroes for Bad Aim in Overwatch 2


Use his dash ability to slam an enemy into a wall, launch a fiery projectile that doesn’t require precise aiming, and when needed, use his Earthshatter ultimate to kill all the enemies that surround you. All of these abilities only require quick reflexes, timing, and moderately precise aiming.


Winston. Once he rushes into battle, he has a hard time getting rid of his Tesla Cannon. Another way to deal heavy damage is to use his Jump Pack ability, which causes him to jump into the air and land directly on the enemy. Finally, his Primal Rage is exactly what he sounds like, he can jump and punch enemies after getting a health boost.


His short gun requires you to get close to the enemy and shoot them down. But if you are a little further away, you can use the Chain Hook attack to pull them towards you and hit them with your weapon. His Whole Hog ultimate allows your Roadhog to wreak havoc with your weapon without the need for good aiming. Just indicate the general direction of the enemy crowd and you will get a few kills.

Best DPS Characters for Bad Aim


Junkrat is a damage hero who deals with bombs, mines, and steel traps. He can be a valuable companion for a team that has a DPS character with good aim. Just keep throwing throwable weapons, detonate mines and launch a burning tire to get multiple kills in the crowd.


If you master her flight and make her attacks erratic, her explosive projectiles can unleash a flurry on enemies in a certain area from a high vantage point.


Symmetra’s turrets can deal damage and slow down enemies, and when placed correctly will serve you well. Take enemies by surprise by creating temporary teleports to move between them, or by creating an energy barrier to protect your team. And if you can latch on to an enemy that has been cornered, her photon projector will deal increased damage and kill you.


Torbjorn’s rivet gun is powerful, but if left unharmed, his turret can kill several enemies on its own. His Molten Code will create a pool of molten slag, dealing damage to enemies caught in its area of ​​effect.

Best support characters (healer) for Bad Aim


Moira can latch onto an enemy and take their life away in a matter of seconds, which is why she dominates the battles after OW2 launches. She can switch between healing and damaging enemies if played well.


Similar to Moira, Mercy can connect with an ally and heal them continuously, as well as fly. If you want to team up with a friend who plays Pharah, this can be a pretty strong duo in combat.

That’s all for it. Don’t forget to check out our Overwatch 2 wiki guide for all the tips and tricks we’ve covered so far, including hero counters.