Overwatch 2 Player Count 2022 – how many people are playing it?

Overwatch 2 is the latest installment of the Overwatch game, released back in 2016. It was developed by Blizzard Entertainment, who created the popular World of Warcraft game. OW2 went into beta testing on April 26th and will run until May 17th, 2022. During this period, the developers encountered several problems, but somehow they managed to achieve good results. Well, Overwatch 2 certainly didn’t take long to grab the attention of the masses due to the foundation laid by its prequel. However, some bugs and issues may have impacted Overwatch 2 player count. Check out this guide to see how many players are playing Overwatch 2 outside of its cooler launch.

Overwatch 2 Player Count 2022 – How many people play this game?

Overwatch 2 is one of the best games developed by Blizzard and they have really made some interesting updates. Players had high hopes for this game after its trailer was released earlier this year. Overwatch 2 was officially released on October 4, 2022 and has since managed to amass nearly 10.2 million players. Moreover, if we compare his stats with those of Overwatch, he has 7 million active players in the first month. The sequel broke the record of its predecessor in less than 2 weeks after the release. Since then, we’ve learned through research that over 1,50,000 active players play Overwatch 2 every hour.

Also, for reference, we compared the number of players in Overwatch 2 and Valorant. Valorant had almost 0.5 million active players in the last hour and almost 22 million players in the last 30 days. Overwatch 2 has had its worst launch yet and the game has a long way to go. In addition, if problems such as DDoS attacks on the system did not arise, the game would certainly be a tough competition for Valorant. Thanks to activeplayerio for providing all the necessary information.

That’s it for Overwatch 2 player count. If you found this article helpful, be sure to check out our other Overwatch 2 guides.