Phasmophobia: how to spot a yokai

Phasmophobia is a multiplayer paranormal investigation game with many ghosts lurking around the map. These ghosts are distinguished by their characteristics and the traces they leave behind. Ghosts also differ in their strengths and weaknesses in the game. Yokai is one such ghost lurking in the haunted houses in this game. However, there are certain things that, if understood correctly, can help you spot a yokai. Here is our guide that presents some of the key points that can help you identify yokai with Phasmophobia.

How to Identify Yokai with Phasmophobia

  • The yōkai mostly appears in the house where the family lives, because it’s very common for more people to join in the conversations. Yokai can only hear you within 2-3 meters.
  • When an in-game character is within range of youkai, they can hunt you down even if your sanity is at 80%. Ghost hunting usually starts at 50% sanity.
  • Yokai becomes more aggressive when you perform an action closer to him. In such cases, using a spirit box can help you identify them.
  • Use the Spirit Box and try to interact with the Yokai. When you get an answer, try to move away from it. If the paranormal starts to disappear, then there are youkai around you.
  • Special clues and footprints left by youkai can be researched using:
    • Spirit Box – To interact and get a possible response from them.
    • Ghost Spheres – To detect the presence of a ghost using a video feed, such as a night vision security camera.
    • DOTS projector – to detect any movement happening around.

This is how you identify youkai in Phasmophobia.