Pinterest Analytics 101: Tips and Tools to Help You Track Your Success

Pinterest’s analytics tools let you pinpoint exactly what your campaigns are about. When you know how to read data to the fullest, these analytics support your Pinterest business strategy.

Whether you’re new to Pinterest or a pinning pro, our Pinterest analytics guide will help you make sense of the data. Read on to learn how to read Pinterest analytics, including which analytics to track, what they mean, and what tools can help.

How to check your Pinterest analytics

(First, make sure you have a Pinterest business account. Not sure how to do this? Follow these simple steps and then come back here.)

There are two ways to check Pinterest analytics: desktop and mobile.

How to Access Pinterest Analytics on Desktop

1. Sign in to your Pinterest business account.

2. Click Analytics in the top left corner to display the drop-down menu.

3. Select Overview to track the performance of your Pins and Boards.

4. To switch to other analytics from the drop-down menu, simply click Analytics and select:

  1. Audience Insights for subscriber analytics
  2. Conversion Insights for Tracking Paid Campaigns
  3. Trends to see what’s popular on Pinterest

How to access Pinterest analytics on mobile

1. Open the Pinterest app.

2. Tap your profile photo in the lower right corner.

3. Scroll down to the “Your Analytics”section and click “Details”.

4. On your profile, you can also click Business Hub to see how your content is performing.

Note. The data that Pinterest provides in analytics is an estimate. Some charts require a minimal amount of information to display.

16 Metrics to Track with Pinterest Analytics (And How to Read Them)

Sure, numbers are fun, but social media doesn’t just provide you with analytics. You won’t understand the value of a platform if you can’t track the performance of your campaigns. In other words, Pinterest provides analytics to help you and them.

Let’s dive into the top 16 Pinterest business analysts you should be tracking.

General Pinterest Analytics

1. Impressions

What it measures: Impressions shows how many times your Pins have been shown on a user’s screen. Your Pins can appear on the homepage, on another user’s board, or in Pinterest search results. Keep in mind that the same user can register multiple impressions.

Why it matters: Impressions show how often people see your Pins on the platform (a bit like views!). A high percentage of Pin impressions is good. This tells you that your content is trending or works well with the Pinterest algorithm. Analyzing impressions of the most popular content can help you improve future Pins.

2. General audience

What it measures: Total Audience measures the number of unique users who have seen your Pin in a given period. You can also view the total monthly audience for the 30-day view of this metric.

Why it’s important: Unlike impressions, the overall audience metric shows how many people have seen your Pin.

If your impressions are higher than the general audience, it means that some people have seen your Pin many times. For example, this can happen if a popular pin is saved on many boards on the platform.

3. Saves

What it measures: Saves (formerly known as Repins) speak for themselves. They tell you how many times someone has saved your Pin to one of their boards.

Why it matters: Saves matter a lot. This metric measures how well your Pins and content are resonating with your audience.

Think of it this way: if they save your Pins, they care about your content. In addition, saved pins provide additional brand exposure, as saved data also appears in followers’ feeds. Double win!

4. Engagements

What it measures: Engagement measures the total number of times someone has clicked or saved your Pin.

Why it matters: Engagement is everything on social media, so it’s an important metric to keep an eye on.

Your engagement metrics tell you if your audience is connected to your content. Use this metric with your total audience to calculate your engagement rate.

5. Engaged Audience

What it measures: Engaged audience measures the number of people who interacted with your Pins over a given period.

Why it’s important: There are several Pinterest engagement metrics because there are so many ways to engage with a Pin. This metric shows how many people saved, reacted to, commented on, or clicked on your Pin. You can use this information to find the most effective content types.

6. Pin clicks

What it measures: Pin clicks (formerly close-ups) measures the total number of clicks on your Pin. This number includes clicks that lead to content on Pinterest and beyond.

Why it matters: Clicks on a Pin indicate that something in your Pin has caught someone’s attention.

7. Pin click rate

What it measures: The number of clicks on a pin is a percentage. It measures the total number of clicks from your Pin to content on or off Pinterest divided by the number of times your Pin has been shown on screen.

Why it matters: A high click-through rate means your audience is more likely to engage with your content when they see it. This is a useful measure of how relevant your audience finds your Pins.

8. Outgoing clicks

What it measures: Outbound clicks (formerly link clicks) measures the total number of clicks on the destination URL in your Pin.

Why it matters: Clicks are one of the best ways to measure the effectiveness of your Pinterest strategy. Outbound clicks can tell you if a platform is delivering a decent return on investment (ROI).

9. Outbound Click Rate

What it measures: Outbound click through rate is a percentage. It measures the total number of clicks on a Pin’s destination URL divided by the number of times your Pin has been viewed.

Why it’s important: Measuring your outbound click rate gives you a percentage to analyze how many of your Pins are driving traffic to your site (your end goal!). Outbound Click Rating helps you evaluate the performance of your Pinterest campaigns. A high click through rate shows that your calls to action are working.

10. Video views

What it measures: Video views measures the number of views of videos that are longer than 2 seconds. 50% or more of the video must be in view.

Why it matters: This metric measures how well your video content is able to engage your audience. Also, video is one of the hottest social media trends. Incorporating video into your Pinterest strategy positions your brand as forward-thinking.

Pinterest audience analytics

11. Demographics

What it measures: Pinterest Analytics audience information covers key demographics. These include language, gender, device statistics, and information about categories and interests.

Why it matters: The better you understand your audience, the more likely you are to create content that they will love. You can use demographic data to fine-tune your Pinterest strategy. These statistics can help you share offers for a specific region, or even post in another language.

12. Proximity

What it measures: Similarity measures how interested an audience is in a particular topic. The higher this percentage, the more likely your audience will be interested in this topic.

Why it matters: Knowing what your audience likes can be a great source of content inspiration. You can also target specific interests with Pinterest ad campaigns.

13. Conversion analysis

What it measures: Conversion data measures the impact of organic and paid performance. Here you will find information about return on ad spend (ROAS) and cost per action (CPA).

Why it matters: Your organic and paid marketing work together to support a holistic Pinterest strategy. This page will help you view both organic and paid content in one dashboard.

The conversion statistics page is available to all advertisers with healthy Pinterest tags.

Note. Conversion statistics is currently in open beta, so expect some minor changes soon.

14. Pins with the highest conversion

What it measures: You can measure your top pins based on different conversion goals. These goals include impressions, saves, pin clicks, page visits, add to cart, and checkout. You’ll find this in the Conversions section of Pinterest Analytics.

Why it’s important: It’s worth checking how the pins add up depending on your goals. See if certain Pins are better at stimulating certain actions—if they aren’t, analyze why they might be. If some Pins perform better in each category, you may have stumbled upon a formula for success.

15. Page Visit

What it measures: How many times people have visited your site from Pinterest. To track website conversions from Pinterest, you need to claim your site.

Why it matters: Keep an eye on this metric if website conversions are one of your goals. Compare it to Add to Cart and Checkout to see if your site is working.

16. Add to cart and checkout

What it measures: These two metrics track activity after a Pinterest referral. One measures how many times people have added items to their cart. Another measures successful purchases.

Why it matters: These metrics should be considered in tandem with page visits. If page visits are high but cart and checkout rates are low, look for ways to optimize your website pages. If the number of cart additions is high and the number of purchases is low, you may need to troubleshoot. Make sure your checkout is open or contact customers who have abandoned their carts.

3 Pinterest Analytics Tools to Help You Track Your Success

Built-in Pinterest analytics offer a general overview of your performance.

But adding these tools will help you better understand Pinterest performance. Additional data can help you get more attention, clicks, and conversions.

1. Impact Hootsuite

Hootsuite helps you create, assign, post and schedule Pins from one central dashboard. You can post your Pins right away, schedule them across multiple boards, or schedule them for later.

With Hootsuite Impact, you can identify campaigns by performance. This will help you pinpoint what may require a paid upgrade or optimization to improve performance. You can also track website visits and ecommerce revenue generated from your Pins. Impact helps you understand your Pinterest ROI and better plan your campaigns.

Source: HootSuite

Hootsuite really saves time if you’re marketing on multiple social media platforms. You can compare your Pinterest performance with other social networks.

Request a Free Hootsuite Impact Demo

2. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is essential to understanding how Pinterest performs compared to other traffic sources.

First, sign in to Google Analytics. Then click “Purchase”, then “Social networks”. This will show you how much traffic to the site comes from each social network.

Google Analytics can also tell you which pages of a website are the most popular. Use this information to create related Pinterest content.

If you don’t know how to set up social media dashboards in Google Analytics, check out our 4-step guide. (And get ready: GA4 is coming!)

3. Mentions

Social analytics is often limited to tracking and measuring your performance. But you also need to keep an eye on how other people create and share content about your brand.

Mentionlytics scans Pinterest for mentions of your brand and displays them in your Hootsuite dashboard. Track your mood, see what content is trending, and join the conversation.