Popular Deluminator Jailbreak Tweak Goes Free, Makes Bright Websites Dark Mode Compatible

Today, we live in a dark mode-obsessed world, and despite how many people use dark mode on their mobile devices and even on their computers, there are still so many websites that don’t support it.

That’s why we’re happy to share the news that the popular Deluminator jailbreak tweak from iOS developer FoxFortMobile is now free to download.

Deluminator uses a number of algorithms to make brighter websites dark-mode friendly, preventing your dark-mode-set eyes from being distorted by the vibrant colors that some websites still use.

Although it works with many websites, the differences in code from one website to the next means there can always be some stragglers. It is not possible to support every website, but fortunately, many of them are supported.

Deluminator was released 4.5 years ago, and according to the developer, the tweak has performed well and has received a lot of satisfied users. It also means that it was a fruitful project for the developer.

If you’re interested in getting Deluminator for free, you can download it from the Havoc repository through your favorite package management app. The tweak supports jailbroken iOS 13, 14, 15, and 16 devices.

Do you plan to take advantage of the Deluminator? Let us know in the comments section below.