After Havoc repo Chariz starts accepting jailbreak tweaks with root support

Following in the footsteps of the Havoc repository, which just this week began accepting tweaks and packages with rootless jailbreak support in addition to its non-root counterparts, the Chariz repository began doing the same on Saturday afternoon.

Announced in a tweet, the Chariz repository said that developers can now start submitting non-rooted packages along with rooted versions of packages for users to download.

This is fantastic news as modern jailbreaks are moving towards a rootless dynamic. This allows more jailbreak tweak developers to not only create rootless jailbreak-enabled packages, but also host them in the main repository used by a significant number of jailbreakers.

Some developers are already hosting some of their packages in their own non-root repositories, but as more large repositories embrace the no-root dynamic, this won’t be necessary, making it easier for users to find the right packages.

Are you excited to see Charise joining the Havoc repository and accepting developer submissions for rootless jailbreak tweaks? Be sure to let us know in the comments section below.