Young Jedi Adventures is the first Star Wars animated series for children.

The High Republic will appear in Star Wars: A Teenage Jedi Adventure.

Developed by showrunner Michael Olson, Star Wars: A Young Jedi Adventure follows children on an adventure led by Yoda. They begin their journey to becoming Jedi Knights by learning valuable skills for our galaxy and the galaxy far, far away. The Jedi Apprentices will cover themes of compassion, self-discipline, teamwork, patience and friendship.

Set during The High Republic era, the Original Series follows Younglings as they study the ways of the Force and become Jedi: Compassion, self-discipline, teamwork, patience, and friendship. Young Jedi Adventures is coming to Disney+ and Disney Junior spring 2023.

May 27, 2022

Scheduled for release in 2023 on Disney+ and Disney Junior, Star Wars: A Young Jedi Adventure is set in the time of the Great Republic (a new era of mythology set approximately 200 years before the events of the prelogy).