Reddit: comment search is finally available

Reddit finally offers comment search with new options and a revamped interface.

After 17 long years, Reddit is finally offering research in its comments. The announcement was made very recently by the platform itself. Users can now get search results in post comments, not just original posts and threads in the community.

Reddit finally offers search in comments

“Until now, [you] had to go through every r/London post, for example, sifting through a lot of comments to find what you wanted,” the development and development team explained. “Now [you] can easily see all the recommendations people share in the comments to enjoy great tea.”

The ability to search for comments was one of the most popular queries in a poll conducted by Reddit last year. During the “initial testing”phase, about 26,000 people used the feature to search for content from over 5 billion comments.

With new options and a redesigned interface

Reddit has also improved search relevancy to help users find what they want. Previously, the result had to include an almost exact string, today the system is less restrictive. “For example, suppose someone searches for “dogecoin stonks 2021” and finds nothing because there is no exact match; with our new algorithm, there will be a better chance of getting results.” Reddit stated that there was a 60% increase in the number of search results that previously returned no results. The search also prioritizes according to search history to try and better target the first results.

Finally, Reddit has improved its search interface with a new, simpler design redesigned based on user feedback. Posts are now more visible than other content types, and results pages have been simplified to make it easier to find what you’re looking for. The number of unexpected results has also been reduced to “make searches safer,”according to the platform. These new features are now available to all users worldwide on the desktop version of the site. There is no information about its implementation in mobile applications.