Reddit Updates Blocking Feature (And Now It Works!)

Reddit is seriously revisiting the blocking feature. Now it behaves like on other social platforms.

Reddit is constantly working on its platform to offer millions of users the smoothest and most successful experience possible. Lately, they have been complaining about the blocking feature, which really left a lot to be desired. Therefore, the platform has revised its copy so that this option is similar to what other social platforms offer. With this change, blocking a user on Reddit not only blocks that person’s posts, preventing them from appearing, but also prevents them from viewing or interacting with your posts.

Reddit has seriously redesigned the blocking feature

This may all seem obvious, but until now, blocking someone on Reddit has been more like muting the sound in the sense that it only works in one direction. Thus, this made the feature completely ineffective for users who had to face any kind of harassment. Blocking the author or authors of this harassment did not at all prevent one or the latter from interacting with the posts of the victims.

Now it behaves like on other social platforms

Now, when someone who has been blocked comes across that user’s posts or comments, the content will look like it has been deleted. Profiles will also be unavailable after a user is banned. (An exception for moderators, who will still be able to see messages from users who have blocked them if they appear on a subreddit they manage.)

On the other hand, so to speak, Reddit is changing how content from blocked users is displayed to those who have set up a block to better protect themselves from harassment. Now those who blocked someone will still be able to see their messages, but the content will be displayed collapsed by default. Reddit says it wants to keep these posts available so users can use reporting features and take action against potential harassment.