Reddit is testing NFT on avatars.

Reddit, in turn, is testing the display of NFT on profile pictures, while this is a small internal test.

If there is anything that can stop NFTs from really taking off and becoming ultra-popular right now, it could be that these digital assets are openly not backed by tech companies, be they giants or more reasonably sized companies. But all of that could very soon change. Initiatives are multiplying. Today, Reddit confirms testing the ability to display NFTs in profile pictures.

Reddit, in turn, is testing the display of NFTs on profile pictures.

In a statement to TechCrunch, Reddit official Tim Ratschmidt said, “We are always looking for ways to add value to our users and communities on Reddit. We are currently testing the ability to use NFT as a profile picture (avatar) and proof of ownership. This is a small internal test, a decision on the possible expansion or implementation of this feature has not yet been made.

Small internal test for now

And if this all sounds familiar, it’s because it is. Indeed, Twitter recently announced that users who signed up for the Twitter Blue service can now use their NFTs in their profile pictures. We also recently learned that Facebook and Instagram are exploring similar uses of NFTs on their platforms.

While NFTs are indeed already very popular, the fact that they are supported, at least for displaying profile pictures, on well-known platforms such as Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, Instagram and Consort will greatly bring this concept and make it accepted. those who do not yet know all this, or are skeptical about these technologies. But will this initiative be enough? Hard to say. Future will tell.