Reddit launches $1 million fund to support user projects

Reddit is officially launching its community foundation program to help bring projects to its communities.

Reddit has decided to invest $1 million in its Community Funds program, a program aimed at helping users who want to start their own project. This will allow the platform to reach a new level, enough to further rally the community.

Reddit Officially Launches Public Funds Program

The program will officially open in June, at which time Reddit invites all interested users to participate. The platform will offer a $1,000 to $50,000 envelope to help project managers materialize their ideas, events, or others. The only requirement to participate in the program is that projects must benefit a specific Reddit community and must not promote any third party business, product, or project. Otherwise, the only limit seems to be the imagination of the participants. Reddit lists several examples, including online conferences and exchanges, open-air festivals, concerts, workshops, magazines, and even short films.

To help realize projects for their communities

Reddit tested this concept of community foundations last October, running a test that launched 13 different projects, including a community message board contest, a virtual conference for historians, Christmas gifts for families with financial difficulties, and a comic book contest.

“Public foundations align perfectly with our mission of bringing together, belonging, and empowering everyone in the world. We believe that encouraging communities to do more by providing them with funding to pursue their best ideas is one way to do this,” reads the Reddit blog post officially announcing the program.

Projects will be selected according to their “creativity, feasibility and impact on the community”, always according to Reddit. Interested users will have to wait a few more weeks before they know the details to submit their file and other directives to Reddit.