Apple Repair Parts Will Have Longer Serial Numbers After iPhone 14 Launch

Apple replacement parts for iPhone, iPad, Mac and other products will use longer serial numbers starting in October after the launch of the iPhone 14 line.

  • What is happening? Apple is reportedly changing the serial number format used for replacement parts from a 17-digit format to an 18-digit one. The change will come into effect on October 1, 2022.
  • Why care? It’s not clear why replacement parts would have longer serial numbers, though it may have something to do with being able to better isolate batches of products with manufacturing defects.
  • What to do? Relax, using a longer serial number format won’t make it harder to determine if your product is resold.

Apple Replacement Parts Switch to 18-Digit Serial Numbers

In a memo obtained by MacRumors, Apple told its authorized service providers that the new serial number format for replacement parts will be in use from October 1, 2022. Service providers are expected to update their software and other hardware in a timely manner to be able to handle the new serial number format.

For years, the Cupertino giant has used a 17-digit format to identify and track components used to service products.

The publication suggests that the new 18-digit serial number will be used for future replacement parts such as new iPhones, iPads, Macs, Apple Watches and so on. Read: How to Get Apple iPhone Repair Manuals for Free

Apple probably has a very good reason for making this change. Some people worry that a longer serial number might make it harder to estimate the resale value of a product, but that has nothing to do with it.

Why is Apple making this change?

In our opinion, and here we are only speculating, the new serial number format for parts can be helpful in identifying potential manufacturing issues.

For example, let’s say that a small number of iPhones produced over a period of time suffer from a problem such as a faulty speaker.

With longer serial numbers, Apple might have been able to more easily identify a failed batch of speaker components with an extra digit in the serial number.

From May 2021, Apple will also randomize the serial numbers of its products. Previously, it was possible to find out interesting information about a precut simply by analyzing its serial number. For example, the old serial number format made it easy to determine the date your product was manufactured.