Rick and Morty to be released as a Japanese animated series

Adult Swim orders anime for Rick and Morty.

Produced by Telecom Animation Film (Lupin III, Shenmue the Animation, Tower of God series), Rick and Morty: Anime is a ten-episode Japanese animated series that will air in the next few months or even next year on Adult Channels. Swim and HBO Max. At the helm of this spin-off, Takashi Sano has already directed two animated short films, Rick and Morty vs. Genocide and Summer Meets God (Rick Meets Evil), which mix two universes.

A new anime is headed your way. Rick and Morty: The Anime — coming soon pic.twitter.com/qko9pHoLeh

May 18, 2022

“Rick and his gang’s multi-universe exploits test family bonds, but they’re always on top,”explains director Takashi Sano. “This is a life-affirming show and Jerry is no exception. I am honored to be able to tell a new story about this extraordinary family. I hope you enjoy their adventures!”