Roblox Doors: how to survive the rush

Roblox Doors is a survival horror video game by LSPLASH in which you have to go through multiple doors. As you progress, you will encounter several monsters and entities. These creatures can drain your health and, if you don’t survive, can kill you. One of these bosses includes Rush, who can kill you and your team pretty quickly in the blink of an eye. But is there a way to survive this monster? Check out our guide on how to survive Rush in Roblox Doors to find out.

How to Survive Rush in Roblox Doors

As you move through the different rooms in the hotels. Rush is one of the first entities or creatures you will encounter. Here’s how to survive in Rush:

  • When he appears, all the lights in the room begin to flicker. You may also hear a distorted sound before he arrives, indicating that he is nearby.
  • These are all clues to hide in a safe place. The faster you hide, the more likely you are to survive.
  • You can hide in cover like vents or behind cabinets to outlive this monster.
  • But hiding in large rooms, such as a room with a key or a room with ventilation, can lead to death.
  • You can hide by crawling under the bed to outlive Rush.
  • It can be a bit tricky to choose cover in a dark room.
  • We suggest playing the game or experience to better know its location and hidden places.
  • If you have progressed far in the game with your team, you can use the revive to continue the run.
  • Sometimes, even if Rush hasn’t spawned yet, it can cause the lights to flicker.
  • In such cases, always look behind your back and hide in a safe place.
  • Once you’ve survived Rush, all the lights in the room will be turned off.
  • You can go to different rooms again without fear of meeting him.

It’s all about how to survive Rush in Roblox Doors. If you liked this guide, check out our other guides on how to run or run in Roblox Doors.