Rockstar to slow down Read Dead Online update to focus on GTA 6

Rockstar will slow down Red Dead Online updates to focus on GTA VI.

Rockstar Games confirmed that GTA VI, as the next big installment in the iconic franchise is called, was in development when the studio announced the release dates for GTA V and GTA Online a few months ago. C. In a post today detailing the upcoming major update for GTA Online, the developer said he has been “regularly moving development resources”to the new Grand Theft Auto game for several years. The company did this because it understands “the need to perform better than players expect”, but it had to make some changes to Red Dead Online support in order to do so.

Rockstar will slow down Red Dead Online updates

The biggest change for Red Dead players is that the studio will no longer offer updates on certain topics, as it has done in recent years. As GameRant explains, this means there will be no more new specialized roles, missions, and other game modes, however, the company will continue to offer things in existing modes and add new missions via Telegram that players must complete alone to earn rewards. – this year. But after that, Rockstar will focus on the roles and missions already added during the monthly Red Dead Online events.

focus on GTA VI

Red Dead Online players have constantly complained about the lack of major updates in the past and Rockstar’s tendency to prioritize Grand Theft Auto on their other games. GTA is a huge cash cow for a developer, so it’s no surprise that Rockstar has gone to great lengths to make fans love GTA VI.