Safari or Chrome: which browser to choose on an Apple device?

Google Chrome or Apple Safari? If you have a Windows device, then the question does not arise, since Safari is not available on Microsoft OS, but if you have an Apple device. ..

To surf the Internet, it is almost mandatory to use one of the most common tools today: a web browser. Whatever your device – PC, tablet, smartphone – the browser serves as a gateway that allows you to access all network resources. And today the market is saturated with solutions in this area. Among them are Google Chrome and Apple Safari. If you have an Apple-branded device, which is the best one to use? Here are some things to consider.

Chrome, Google Browser

First of all, you should know that Google Chrome is available on most of the platforms that exist today (Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS). And if he’s so popular today (65% market share), it’s because he doesn’t have many assets to brag about.

First, Chrome is fast, it’s the fastest on the market. In addition, logically, it is perfectly compatible with all Google services. Translating web pages with Google Translate, accessing Gmail and Google Docs offline, the possibilities are endless. Mountain View’s browser is also highly customizable. In the Chrome Web Store, you have access to over 200,000 extensions and numerous themes. The last interesting item on the benefits menu is security. Updates are very frequent and automatic. Among new features, improvements and fixes, there is always something to optimize the software.

However, any program always has drawbacks. Google Chrome is no exception. If you’re looking for a browser that respects your privacy, remember that Chrome, which is a product of Google that collects revenue from personal data, is far from the best browser. Another annoying point is power consumption. If the American giant is constantly working on this topic, Chrome is a big consumer of RAM, which can have serious consequences for your device (especially if you are running on battery).

Safari, Apple browser

Safari is a web browser offered by Apple, native to all Apple-branded devices. It is available on macOS, iPadOS and iOS. Being developed by Apple for Apple, it has many advantages. First of all, speed. It is the second fastest on the market after Chrome. Security too. Apple touts its ongoing fight to protect privacy, the special features are numerous and quite effective. Through iCloud, you can also sync everything or almost everything to ensure the best possible experience across all your Apple devices.

In the disadvantages menu, we will first mention its main advantage, which is that Safari is reserved for Apple device owners. Another limitation is the size of the extension storage. Compared to Chrome, the number of available extensions is clearly less. Just like customization options. If the browser design is already very successful, there are not many customization options. Safari also collects some personal data, such as device location, IP address, or browsing history, but Apple does not resell your data for marketing purposes.