Jamppi is one of the top Operators in the world because to his crosshair settings, mouse sensitivity, and other configurations. He made significant contributions to Team Liquid’s triumph while they were playing together. He made a significant impact on the gaming community with his incredible sniper and flanking abilities. For this reason, the vast majority of players have been looking for Jamppi’s Hardware Setup and Valorous Settings. Look down below to find it.
Jamppi Valorant Configurations
Here are all of Jamppi’s gaming settings for both equipment and equipment adjustments.
Jamppi’s Equipment Hardware Setup

- Monitor: ASUS ROG XG258Q
- Mouse: VAXEE OUTSET AX Yellow
- Keyboard: Razer Huntsman Mini
- Headphones: HyperX Cloud II
Valorant Excellent Keybindings
- Walk: L-Shift
- Crouch: L-Ctrl
- Jump: Space Bar
- Use Object: F
- Equip Primary Weapon: 1
- Equip Secondary Weapon: 2
- Equip Melee Weapon: 3
- Equip Spike: 4
- Use/Equip Ability 1: C
- Use/Equip Ability 2: Q
- Use/Equip Ability 3: Mouse 4
- Use/Equip Ultimate: X
Options for Jamppi Mouse: DPI, Sensitivity, and More
- DPI: 800
- Sensitivity: 0.42
- eDPI: 336
- Zoom Sensitivity: 1.009
- Hz: 1000
- Windows Sensitivity: 6
- Raw Input Buffer: On
Settings for the Jamppi Valorant Crosshair
- Color: White
- Crosshair Color: #ffffff
- Outlines: On
- Outline Opacity: 1
- Outline Thickness: 1
- Center Dot: On
- Center Dot Opacity: 1
- Center Dot Thickness: 2
- Show Inner Lines: On
- Inner Line Opacity: 1
- Inner Line Length: 1
- Inner Line Thickness: 4
- Inner Line Offset: 0
- Movement Error: Off
- Firing Error: Off
- Show Outer Lines: Off
- Movement Error: Off
- Firing Error: Off
Map and Radar Options for Jamppi
- Orientation: Rotate/Based on Side
- Keep Player Centered: On
- Minimap Size: 0.94
- Minimap Zoom: 0.594
- Minimap Vision Cones: On
- Show Map Region Names: Always
Options for Jamppi Video & Graphic
- General
- Resolution: 1440×1080
- Aspect Ratio: 4:3
- Aspect Ratio Method: Fill
- Display Mode: Fullscreen
- Graphics Quality
- Multithreaded Rendering: On
- Material Quality: Low
- Texture Quality: Low
- Detail Quality: Low
- UI Quality: Low
- Vignette: Off
- VSync: Off
- Anti-Aliasing: None
- Anisotropic Filtering: 1x
- Improve Clarity: Off
- Bloom: Off
- Distortion: Off
- Cast Shadows: Off
The information on Jamppi’s Important Settings, such as Mouse Sensitivity, Crosshair, Video Settings, etc., is complete.