AI-Created Texture Wallpaper for iPhone

With our iDB wallpapers of the week, you can expect photo-quality images for your favorite Apple devices, the iPhone. The ever-expanding collection is always trying to put together a set of 4 or 5 images of the same genre every Sunday.

Today is the first post in the style of growing up. These four AI-generated iPhone wallpaper texture images constitute a sub-category of the new type.

AI Generation Texture Wallpaper

I’m really intrigued by the future of AI imaging. Projects such as DALL-E allow users to type words (e.g. nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives) into a string and AI will create images based on the text string.

According to the project website, “DALL·E 2 is a new artificial intelligence system that can create realistic images and drawings from a natural language description.”The program can even “make realistic changes to existing images from a natural language signature. It can add and remove elements, taking into account shadows, reflections and textures.”

If you’re really interested, spend some time doing research.

The following four texture wallpaper images were created using AI. I’m not entirely sure if DALL-E has been used as there are other AI generation tools quickly following in its footsteps. They were generated at the direction of @iPhonedo. If you’re interested, tweet him for all the details.

If you love crispy wallpapers, you can add them to the iDB wallpaper gallery too. Send me your professional tips, tricks and uploads via @jim_gresham where I curate the collection. You don’t need to be an original artist, although AI projects like DALL-E make it easy for everyone to be a pro at painting with words, just send the credit.

If you want to know about upcoming iDB posts, midweek uploads, or general tech jokes, follow me.