This list of Roblox Arcane Odyssey magic levels is made especially for all players who love to cast spells. At the beginning of the game, you can choose the type of magic for yourself. Using this magic, you can perform various attacks during combat. Since combat is an important part of this game, it’s important to choose the best type of magic and this guide will help you with that.
Roblox Arcane Odyssey Magic Tier List (March 2023)
In this list of magic levels, we rank all types of magic from best to worst.
Magic type | Levels |
Lightning Magic | Level S |
explosion magic | Level S |
fire magic | Level S |
Light Magic | Level S |
Plasma Magic | Level |
magma magma | Level |
poison magic | Level |
ice magic | Level |
glass magic | Level |
Water Magic | Level |
Ash magic | Level |
Shadow magic | Level |
metal magic | Level |
snow magic | Level |
Sand magic | Level B |
wind magic | Level B |
tree magic | Level B |
Earth Magic | Level B |
crystal magic | Level B |
acid magic | Level B |
Advantages and Disadvantages of Magic Type Arcane Odyssey (Clashing Power)
The combat mechanics in Arcane Odyssey are quite complex. Each type of magic has certain advantages and disadvantages over each other. It’s called Force Conflict. Apart from our list of Arcane Odyssey magic levels, knowing how magic interacts with each other will also help you make a choice.
- 1.4x advantage in combat against fire
- 1.2x advantage in water, sand and snow
- 1.1x combat advantage against lightning, wood, and poison
- 1.05x advantage against Ash
- 0.9 times glass collision disadvantage
- 0.8x disadvantage when colliding with Crystal and Explosion
- 0.5 times disadvantage in impact with the Earth
- 0.45x metal collision disadvantage
- Neutrally interacts with ice, magma, light, wind, shadow and plasma.
- 1.3x combat advantage against Light & Snow
- 1.1x advantage in collision with Wood & Poison
- 0.95 times disadvantage in collision with acid, ice and plasma
- 0.9 times disadvantage in collision with water and fire
- 0.85 times disadvantage when colliding with earth, sand and glass
- 0.8x downside when colliding with Wind, Crystal, and Explosion
- 0.75x metal collision disadvantage
- 0.7x Shadow Encounter disadvantage
- Neutral with Lightning and Magma
- 1.6x upwind advantage
- 1.5x glass impact advantage
- 1.4x advantage in water combat
- 1.2x advantage against Acid
- 1.2x advantage against Ash
- 1.2x advantage in combat against fire
- 1.2x advantage against the Light
- 1.1x advantage in ice collision
- 1.1x advantage in a collision with Wood
- 1.1x advantage against Poison
- 1.1x advantage against the Shadow
- 1.1x advantage against Plasma
- 1.1x advantage in combat against sand
- 1.1x advantage in collision with Snow
- 0.8 times disadvantage in Earth collision
- 0.7 times disadvantage in explosion collision
- 0.6 times metal collision disadvantage
- Neutral with Lightning and Magma
- 1.7x upwind advantage
- 1.6x glass impact advantage
- 1.5x advantage in combat against water
- 1.3x combat advantage against acid, light, fire and snow
- 1.2x advantage against crystals, ice, sand, shadow, poison, and plasma.
- 1.15x advantage against Wood and Ash
- 0.7 times disadvantage in metal collision
- 0.9x downside to being hit by Lightning
- 0.8x disadvantage in collision with Magma
- Interacts neutrally with Explosion
- 1.4x glass impact advantage
- 1.3x advantage against water, wind, sand, crystal and snow
- 1.2x combat advantage against Ash, Acid, Fire, Ice, Light and Shadow
- 0.9x disadvantage in collision with Lightning and Plasma
- 0.8 times metal collision disadvantage
- Neutrally interacts with earth, magma, wood and poison.
- 1.25x Wood collision advantage
- 1.2x advantage in combat against glass, snow
- 1.1x advantage against Ash
- 0.9 times disadvantage when faced with acid and sand
- 0.8x disadvantage when colliding with magma, plasma, crystal and explosion
- 0.75 times disadvantage in collision with ice
- 0.7 times disadvantage in collision with water
- 0.5 times disadvantage in impact with the Earth
- 0.45x metal collision disadvantage
- Neutral with lightning, light, wind, shadow, and poison.
- 1.4x advantage against Shadow and Wind
- 1.3x advantage in water combat
- 1.2x advantage against Poison
- 1.15x advantage against Ash
- 1.1x advantage in collision with acid, sand and snow
- 0.8 times disadvantage in collision with fire
- 0.7x disadvantage in plasma collision
- 0.6 times disadvantage in collision with ice and explosion
- 0.5x disadvantage when colliding with Crystal, Wood and Magma
- 0.4 times disadvantage in Earth collision
- 0.3 times disadvantage in metal collision
- Neutral encounters with Lightning and Light
- 1.5x advantage in combat against water
- 1.4x advantage against Wind and Glass
- 1.2x advantage in collision with Snow
- 1.1x combat advantage against light, sand, and poison
- 1.05x advantage against Ash
- 0.9x disadvantage when colliding with Shadow, Plasma and Crystal
- 0.85x wood collision disadvantage
- 0.8 times disadvantage when colliding with lightning, explosion and ground
- 0.75 times disadvantage in fire collision
- 0.7 times disadvantage in metal collision
- 0.5x disadvantage in collision with Magma
- Reacts neutrally with acid
- 1.2x upwind advantage
- 0.9x ice collision advantage
- 0.8x downside when colliding with explosion, lightning, wood, metal, poison, crystal, and plasma
- 0.7x disadvantage when colliding with ash, earth, magma, snow and sand
- Reacts neutrally with acid, water, fire, shadow and glass.
- 1.3x advantage of Clash vs. Shadow
- 1.3x advantage of Clash vs Sand
- 1.2x advantage of Clash vs Ice
- 1.2x advantage of Clash vs. Light
- 1.2x advantage of Clash vs. Plasma
- 1.1x advantage of Clash vs Explosion
- 1.1x Clash advantage against wood
- 0.9x lack of Clash vs Acid
- 0.7x downwind Clash
- 0.7x Flaw when hitting water
- 0.7x disadvantage of Clash vs Metal
- Collisions of ash, fire, magma, poison, glass, crystal, snow and earth
- 1.5x advantage against glass, snow, ice and wood
- 1.4x advantage in combat against wind and sand
- 1.3x advantage against Light & Plasma
- 1.2x advantage against fire, shadow, earth, and poison
- 1.1x advantage in metal collision
- 0.8 times disadvantage in water collision
- Neutral to acid, ash, explosion, lightning and crystal.
- 1.8x upwind advantage
- 1.7x glass impact advantage
- 1.55x advantage in water combat
- 1.4x advantage against the Crystal
- 1.4x advantage against Snow
- 1.35x advantage in combat against fire
- 1.35x advantage against Acid
- 1.3x advantage in ice collision
- 1.3x advantage against Lightning
- 1.3x advantage in combat against sand
- 1.3x Wood collision advantage
- 1.3x advantage against Poison
- 1.25x advantage against the Shadow
- 1.25x advantage against Ash
- 1.25x advantage against Plasma
- 1.2x combat advantage against Explosion
- 1.2x ground impact advantage
- 1.2x advantage against the Light
- 0.9 times disadvantage in collision with Magma
- 1.4x advantage against Snow
- 1.35x Wood collision advantage
- 1.3x glass impact advantage
- 1.2x advantage in combat against fire
- 1.2x advantage against the Light
- 1.2x upwind advantage
- 1.1x combat advantage against Explosion
- 1.1x advantage against Poison
- 1.05x advantage against Ash
- Reacts neutrally with acid and sand
- 0.9x ice collision advantage
- 0.9x Crystal collision disadvantage
- 0.8 times disadvantage in water collision
- 0.8x downside to being hit by Lightning
- 0.8x Shadow Encounter disadvantage
- 0.7 times disadvantage in collision with Magma
- 0.6x Earth impact disadvantage
- 0.55x metal collision disadvantage
- 1.2x advantage against the Light
- 0.9x disadvantage when colliding with acid, ice, wood, plasma, crystal, and ash
- 0.8x disadvantage when colliding with earth, magma, shadow, sand, glass and snow
- 0.7x disadvantage in collision with Wind and Metal
- Neutral interaction with water, fire, lightning and explosion
- 1.3x advantage against the Light
- 1.3x shadow collision disadvantage
- 1.2x upwind advantage
- 1.2x advantage against Poison
- 1.15x advantage against Ash
- 1.1x advantage in combat against fire
- 0.9x tree collision advantage
- 0.9x water impact disadvantage
- 0.9x ice collision advantage
- 0.9 times glass collision disadvantage
- 0.9x Crystal collision disadvantage
- 0.8 times disadvantage in acid collision
- 0.8 times disadvantage in Earth collision
- 0.7 times disadvantage in explosion collision
- 0.7x downside to being hit by Lightning
- 0.7 times disadvantage in metal collision
- 0.6x disadvantage in collision with Magma
- Neutrally interacts with plasma and snow
- 1.3x advantage against Ash
- 1.3x upwind advantage
- 1.2x advantage against Poison
- 1.2x advantage against Plasma
- 1.1x advantage in ice collision
- 0.9x tree collision advantage
- 0.9x Crystal collision disadvantage
- 0.8 times disadvantage in Earth collision
- 0.8 times disadvantage in explosion collision
- 0.8x disadvantage in collision with Magma
- 0.75x metal collision disadvantage
- 0.7 times disadvantage in sand collision
- 0.7x downside to being hit by Lightning
- 0.7 times disadvantage in collision with Snow
- 0.6 times glass collision disadvantage
- Reacts neutrally with acid, water, fire and light
- 1.3x advantage in collision with Shadow
- 1.3x advantage against the Light
- 1.2x advantage against Poison
- 1.1x advantage in combat against water
- 0.9 times glass collision disadvantage
- 0.9x Crystal collision disadvantage
- 0.9x tree collision advantage
- 0.8 times disadvantage in acid collision
- 0.8 times disadvantage in collision with ice
- 0.7x disadvantage in collision with Ash
- 0.7 times disadvantage in explosion collision
- 0.7 times disadvantage in collision with fire
- 0.7 times disadvantage in impact with the Earth
- 0.6 times metal collision disadvantage
- 0.6x disadvantage in plasma collision
- 0.5x wind collision disadvantage
- 0.5x disadvantage in collision with Magma
- Neutral encounters with Lightning and Sand
- 1.5x advantage in combat against Fire and Lightning
- 1.2x advantage against Magma, Plasma
- 1.1x advantage against Ash and Sand
- 0.9x Snow collision advantage
- 0.8 times disadvantage in acid collision
- 0.7 times disadvantage when colliding with explosion and glass
- 0.6x Crystal collision disadvantage
- 0.5x disadvantage in collision with wood and ice
- 0.25 times disadvantage in Earth collision
- 0.2x metal collision disadvantage
- Neutral interactions with Light, Wind, Shadow and Poison
- 1.5x advantage against Snow
- 1.4x advantage in combat against sand
- 1.3x advantage against Lightning and Poison
- 1.1x advantage against Ash
- 0.8x disadvantage in collision with light and plasma
- 0.7x downside collision vs Explosion, Shadow
- 0.6x disadvantage in collision with ice, glass and magma
- 0.4x disadvantage when colliding with wood and crystal
- 0.3 times disadvantage in Earth collision
- 0.2x metal collision disadvantage
- Reacts neutrally with acid, water and fire
- 1.6x upwind advantage
- 1.5x glass impact advantage
- 1.25x advantage in water combat
- 1.2x advantage against the Light
- 1.15x advantage in ice collision
- 1.1x combat advantage against snow, shadow, sand and poison
- 0.9 times disadvantage in collision with ash, acid, crystal and lightning
- 0.85 times disadvantage in Earth collision
- 0.75 times disadvantage in fire collision
- 0.5x disadvantage in collision with Magma
- 0.7 times disadvantage in metal collision
- 0.65x disadvantage in plasma collision
- Interacts neutrally with Explosion
This covers our list of Roblox Arcane Odyssey magic tiers.