Taboo: the return of the television series with Tom Hardy by the end of 2023

Five years after the release of the first season of Taboo, the dark and violent drama is finally getting ready to return to the small screen.

During the Creative Cities Convention in Birmingham, director Stephen Knight, who also directed Peaky Blinders, confirmed that the second season of Taboo for BBC One was slowly but surely entering development: “I believe production will start towards the end of next year.. Tom Hardy and I both want to keep going, and a lot of people want us to keep going in that direction. It is a matter of time and decision on what to do next. ”

Last year, British comedian Tom Hardy commented on the sequel, calling it very, very important to it: “We’re always trying to come up with ideas. We could be linear, a continuation of time, or we could go back to London, or we could take a quantum leap in time! I don’t know if I should go to orthodoxy – a series of similar books have already been written – but I don’t know if this is the right way. In my head I thought, “Let’s say they get to America, let’s get to Canada, let’s go to 1968, the Tet Offensive, the Vietnam War, look at the CIA, the Viet Cong, the French in Saigon…”Take Delaney’s family tree into the jungle and recreate the same family dynamic that happened in London, but with new people thinking about how history and corruption repeat itself.”

Trailer Taboo

Thought dead in Africa for many years, James Delaney returned to London in 1814. Exhausted and completely changed, he learned upon his return that his father had died and found that England was at war with France and the United States… His arrival threatens to undermine the ambitions of his half-sister Zilfa and her husband Thorn Geary, as well as the political ambitions of Ost -The India Company under the chairmanship of Sir Stuart Strange.