After two years of early access on PS5 and PC, Spanish studio Crema’s Temtem is back with a major update.
Presented as a massively multiplayer creature-collecting game, Temtem invites you to go on an adventure in the Air Archipelago to capture wild creators, trade with other players, or even meet other trainers. By the start of the school year, Update 1.0 will roll out new features such as seasons, the last island, and new weekly quests.
Temtem Trailer
Temtem will be available in physical form starting September 6 on PS5, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, and Nintendo Switch. Please note that this includes a code for Temtem Plus, a bonus that gives access to a global chat that will allow you to easily find the most interesting exchanges and the best co-op partners, the exchange functionality of the game and the trading house that allows you to view auctions around the world, and TemDeck can store up to 600 different Temtem.
To celebrate the arrival of Temtem on consoles as a physical version, the release will be accompanied by a collectible box with a diorama figurine of starters, a set of Temcards replicas, a set of three pins, a set of three woven crests and an outer box, a collector.